Genesis 4, Adam and Eve have had some children who are now old enough to work. "Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground. When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his gift. This made Cain very angry, and he looked dejected."
Why was Cain's gift unaccepted while Abel's was? Really take pause and look. "Cain presented some, Abel also brought a gift—the best"
It is about their hearts. It appears that Cain just went out into the fields to grab some of what he had. It wasn't really part of his heart, but more like an appeasement. Abel on the other hand brought his best. He knew what he had and brought his most precious part.
In marriage I think this is where we can see the heart of God the most for us. It is this day, supposedly set aside just for Him. Many of us show up and put a check mark in our calendar saying that we did our deed for that week. We try and appease God by our going to church, or whatever it is that we do. But what He wants is our heart. He wants us to go out and find Him the best of what we have. Not that He is needy or insecure, but that He wants our whole heart. An appeasement offering is never sufficient. And it really isn't just about a certain day either, but about our life. We are to seek relationship with Him everyday.
Now back to Jason and Valentines day. Every day Jason gives me more. When he has been at work all day, he still comes home and helps me with the boys and the dinner. I give him my best too. Every Saturday is not really a play day, but a cleaning house day. Jason gets out the whip and drives the children to clean more. He is not sitting back barking orders, but leading our family by example. We give our best that each of us has, each day. But Saturdays are an all in family affair. Now this does not mean that each day is a fairy land. We are human and some days seem more like a refugee camp and we are just trying to survive, but for the most part each day we each try our best for each other, for our family. Giving up and wallowing in self want is never an option for true happiness.
This life is hard. When we discover that what we have given isn't enough, we often feel angry, put out, dejected, and disrespected. However, I don't think it is because we have truly given our best, but that we have only really given some, and then we have been called out on our offering of appeasement. I do not want an appeasement offering. I'll call your bluff if that is what you expect me to accept. I want your heart. I want your whole gift, selected carefully. But if it is just about a certain day, save your money. For I am not that easily appeased. I truly believe this is just one day set aside that shows that relationship we have with our God. Our marriages are supposed to be a direct reflection of our relationship we each are to have with our God. Are we giving Him our whole heart everyday? Or are we bringing Him an appeasement offering on a certain day that has been set aside that He is rejecting because He can see our true hearts?
Today's Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest is very good. Is Your Mind Stayed on God
Sometimes our best really doesn't look like much, but its all we have at that moment. And that is ok. But I don't want to live in that place. I want others to want more from me.... for me. Don't you?!
Today's Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest is very good. Is Your Mind Stayed on God
Sometimes our best really doesn't look like much, but its all we have at that moment. And that is ok. But I don't want to live in that place. I want others to want more from me.... for me. Don't you?!