Friday, August 20, 2010

Youthful Wisdom

Of all the kings in the bible, the name Josiah has always rung sweet in my heart. I love how he instantly believed the words of the Lord. I love how even though he was not the cause of the idolatry, he immediately felt remorse and tore his clothes in despair. He was young, eight years old, when he became king. I love that in his youth, he had wisdom, for he instantly listened and believed the Lord's command. In his youth, he knew that immediate action had to take place for all the wrong to be righted. I love that in his youth, the older learned from him. I love that the people respected him and listened to him. I think I love Josiah so much, because in his youth, he was wise.

2 Kings 22:19, "'This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says concerning the words you heard: Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I have spoken against this place and its people, that they would become accursed and laid waste, and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, declares the LORD. Therefore I will gather you to your fathers, and you will be buried in peace."

In his youth, he was a reformer. He did this in spite of his father and grandfather being so exceptionally wicked. The moment he heard the truth, he took action and started clearing up whatever he recognized as not belonging to the worship of the true God. His transformation did not take years of learning the hard way, on how to live. He heard the word and immediately took action against anything that was against God. He starting cleaning house. He cleared away anything that brought back the memories of old sin. Everything and anything was gone. For in transforming your life, you must get rid of everything that brings back the memories of your past. You cannot hold on to that one special treasure that makes you think, "Ah, I remember when..." For those are the memories that will come haunting again the first chance they get.

During this transformation, the people followed Josiah. They carefully took his advise and followed his rule. They had peace during this time. But, they did not transform their own hearts. They followed him, because he was a great leader, but they secretly longed for other things. This is something we all must stop and listen to. As long as Josiah was alive the people prospered under his reign. However, no matter how strong the one you are following is, there comes a time when you will stand alone and you must examine your own heart. This is the time of truth and this is the time for your own personal repentance.

Oswald Chambers, "Whenever anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus Christ, turn to Him at once, asking Him to re-establish your rest. Never allow anything to remain in your life that is causing the unrest. Think of every detail of your life that is causing the disintegration as something to fight against, not as something you should allow to remain. Ask the Lord to put awareness of Himself in you, and your self-awareness will disappear. Then He will be your all in all. Beware of allowing your self-awareness to continue, because slowly but surely it will awaken self-pity, and self-pity is satanic. Don’t allow yourself to say, “Well, they have just misunderstood me, and this is something over which they should be apologizing to me; I’m sure I must have this cleared up with them already.” Learn to leave others alone regarding this. Simply ask the Lord to give you Christ-awareness, and He will steady you until your completeness in Him is absolute. ...It is the sick person who really knows what health is..."

If we have been shown what we need to change in our life, then change it. Get rid of the old ways in which you used to live. Clear your cupboards! Whatever you have in your view, that is what will keep you from true restoration with God. No one can do it for you. You must humble yourself before the King and admit to Him what you have done wrong. Then you must take action. This is not a passive life awareness, but a life changing revival. When you see the Lord, you cannot turn a blind eye to your own sin. When you see the Lord, you must learn to follow Him. It may not even be your own sin, but the sin of your parents. This is the time to change the past in your own life. This is the time for you to live.

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