Monday, July 26, 2010

What do you Believe, Why?

I think that I have asked this question before, but I also think that it is worth asking again. If you are a Christian, why are you one? If you do not believe in Christ, why not? It is not a simple little issue, but rather a very big one that needs deeper thinking than you may realize. Have you really put much thought into why you believe what you believe, or are you just going with the flow of what is right in front of you in the moment? Basically are you shallow, or do you have a deeper meaning in your life?

Everyone has their own personal testimony about why they believe what they do. Everyone has their own personal world view. This is a very critical part of everyones life. The questions that we must deal with are questions of; "Can our world view be backed up with science, history, and personal experience. Is what we believe true, or do we make excuses for everything saying its all relative?" We are not called to live in blind faith, but to be able to give an answer for our faith.

This journey of mine has been one of trial and error, living life blindly, stumbling through as a fool. I have made the biggest blunders in my personal journey, any normal person would be more than embarrassed to admit.... I am embarrassed to admit! It wasn't until I looked at my life in the truth of my failures that I was able to see how God had touched my life and given me a personal story. It was in looking at my personal story that I started seeking the truth about what and who God really was. I started listening to and watching for truth in the people that taught about Christ. I had to first weed out the imitators, there are a lot of quacks out there! I couldn't give up just because there are a lot of quacks. There are doctors who are quacks, does that mean that I give up seeking the right doctors for my health? No. I had to start seeking Him, then I discovered Him. I needed my belief to be backed up with science. As a child I was taught one thing about God and how the universe came into being, but then science through me for a loop. Why would God try and trick us? Why wouldn't science back up who He is? I discovered that science, history, relics found; they all can be backed-up with who the bibles says that God is, and they all back-up the bible. It can all be backed up! This gave me something more than just my personal testimony to stand on. This gave me the proof that I needed, so that when my own doubts came creeping in, I could defend Him, against myself.

Frank Tureks book, "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" gave me the science that I needed. I started listening/watching him on TV, then my brother got me the book. I devoured it in just a few short days. Most was over my head, for I was never a good student, but it gave me the science that I was so desperately needing. Ravi Zacharias is one that I turn to often, on how to walk in this knowledge of who God is. His is an apologist and his teaching gives me the knowledge on how to give a defense for what I believe. I have another blog that I turn to called "Evidence for God from Science." This man is a brilliant chemist/professor who has taken his science and knowledge and used it to study the bible. I have other resources/teachers who I listen to so that I can better live out my faith in my everyday life. My passion is study. This is a passion that is new to me, for I always hated school, but this I love and cannot get enough of. I may not be able to give you an answer in full detail to every question, but I can lead the questioner to someone who can.

Everyone has a personal testimony for what they believe. The true test comes in on how you can back that testimony up with the resources that we have at our hands. Does your faith in whatever you believe, does it stand the test of science, history, discovery? Can you back up your belief? Why are you a Christian? Why aren't you one?

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