Monday, August 17, 2009


Matthew 18:21ff, "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times... 'I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?'"

Do you know how much you have been forgiven? It can be so easy to accept forgiveness without ever realizing just how much you do not deserve that forgiveness. My debt was huge. I can think of no one who owes me more than I owed. My sins were obvious and for that I am thankful, for I can see how much I owed. It is those sins that tend to hide from the sight of others that causes us to forget that we owe Him more. After I left my sin of the flesh, there were some that forgave me so easily and others who did not. One of the ones who were so forgiving made a statement that I have held close to my heart. "Those who have experienced forgiveness, it is easier for them to forgive." For all of us, forgiveness is waiting at our admittance of our need for forgiveness. The problem lies in those who think they really have no dire need for that forgiveness. This is sad to me, for how can we truly feel the love of God if we do not really know the need for Him?

In knowing how bad of a sinner that I have been, another danger is thinking, "I am not that bad any longer. I am doing pretty good now." This is dangerous because we tend to think that our "little" sins do not cost as much as our "big" ones. We are separated from God no matter how "big" our sins are. All sins have the same price tag. They all cost Him His blood. Can we see that we are the ones that place sins in a category of big or little. My impatience toward my children, is as big of a sin as stripping. Your bitterness toward your husband is as big of a sin as his pornography. You holding a grudge against someone for their sins against you, is all the same. The question is not, do we need forgiveness, but can we give it? Do we see our sins at the same level as others? Can I see my own sin today as needing the same forgiveness as my sin when I was on drugs? He came for sinners, for the sick who needed healing. If you do not think you need a doctor, will you willingly go to one?

"Thank You Father for calling me when I could see you the easiest. Thank You for allowing me to feel your love. Please help me to remember my need for You, every day. The more I know You, the more I need You. Please keep my eyes open to my true dependence on You. For I cannot breath without You. Help me to show my children how much You love them. Let my actions towards them be a witness to them, of Your perfect love for them. Help me to show my husband Your mercy and grace. He allowed me to feel Your love first. Help me to show Him Your grace. Please help me to live today with Your image upon my life, so that others can come to know Your true love for them. Help me to rely upon You, today, for this day is really all that I have. Thank You my Lord."

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