Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Is your word, good? When you tell someone something or when you say you will do something, anything, can they count on you? Can people trust you with what you tell them? Some think that since they cannot grantee that they will be able to follow through, then they never let any one know anything. Just because plans may change does not mean that you do not say anything. For example: I will use my family on this one (sorry Dad). My family lives in TX and we are constantly trying to make plans with them on when they are coming up or when we are going to be there. This seems like an easy thing to accomplish, but it is not. My father has a very hard time letting you know a date on anything, because he may not be able to fulfill it. On one aspect this is good, because if he says he will do something, you can count on it. He is right, you should never say you will do something without the full intent on following through with what you say. But just because you make plans, does not mean that you cannot change them. The point is to let others involved know what is going on, so that they can arrange their day.

I have been in relationships with other people who tell you something like, "I will met you there." When in reality they never intended on going in the first place. When the time comes and you are expecting that person to follow through, you are left hanging.

Neither my family nor this other person is correct. In my family's situation, we are left without a way to plan our schedule, because we are constantly waiting on them. In the other example I cannot count on anything that this person tells me, because I do not know if they are actually speaking the truth.

2 Cor 1:17-18, "You may be asking why I changed my plan. Hadn't I made up my mind yet? Or am I like people of the world who say yes when they really mean no? As surely as God is true, I am not that sort of person. My yes means yes..." Even Paul had a change of plans. He let others know what he had planned, but when those plans changed he addressed his changes and let them know why. People could still count on him. His word was true and his yes and no meant something. Be a person of integrity and honor your word. Have respect for others and give them a plan. It is much easier to change a plan, then to never have one. This society is full of people that you cannot believe. There is a contract for everything because of a lying tongue.

When my grandfather was young, if a man said he would do something, you could count on it. If that person did not follow through, he was looked at with disdain. Now it is the norm to say one thing and do another. Where is the integrity in Christ's followers? We should never have to have a contract, for our word should be binding. But you cannot count on anyone. Someone is very extraordinary when there actions match their words. Christ's followers should be that person of integrity where ever we go. Are we? Am I? Are you?

Proverbs 10:11
"The words of the godly lead to life; evil people cover up their harmful intentions."

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