Thursday, August 21, 2008

No One is Alone

I feel like I need to address something that was brought to my attention yesterday. Since it goes pretty well with what I am reading, then I think the time is appropriate. 1 Corinthians 7 talks about marriage. In this it says, "A wife must not leave her husband." I did leave my husband and I have had a divorce. There are so many regrets that go along with this.

My ex-husband led me into drugs and pornography. I did everything that he desired. I could play the victim card in all of this and say that I was an abused woman. But that is never a path of healing. A victim is someone with no control and I have power over my own actions, I always have. I chose to follow him, because I was addicted to the rush, I liked the high. Now I fought it for some time, but when I married him I knew he was wild. I chose to enter into a marriage relationship with someone who I knew would spend his time in the bars. And who I knew was into pornography. I chose this because I liked the excitement that I felt when I was with him.

My regrets about the divorce are this: I wish I could have known then what I know now. I wish that I would have come across someone that would help me, in my marriage. I never wanted to leave my husband. He was my husband! I got married thinking I would grow old with him. My regret is that I was so foolish. Instead of looking to God and turning my life over to Him. I let my own evil desires and my own selfish motives lead me into a place I could have never imagined. "If a Christian woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. For the Christian wife brings holiness to her marriage..." I knew the bible. I was raised knowing right from wrong. I chose to do wrong. I have my ex-husbands soul on my conscious. I chose to help him in his sin, instead of helping him find Salvation. My past mistakes, I regret.

God has blessed me now. I have a wonderful husband that I worship, as my husband. Our Lord is Jesus Christ and our life works, because we work together toward Him. My prayer now, is that we can help others in their marriage walk toward God. We do not have all of the answers, we are human. But we can offer our experiences. I know what fails, because I failed. We know what works for us, and we can offer our life to help others. I never want anyone to feel the sting of divorce. If they are in a marriage, I want to help them try and stay in that marriage. If they are divorced, I would like to try and help them get through the pain that divorce causes. My desire is that no one goes through a divorce. This does not mean that I do not love my husband now. It just means that I have learned some things from my experiences, that I did not know when I was a stupid young girl.

God took me out of that marriage and gave me a new one. God did that for me, because he knew I was so stupid and that I would have died in my sin. He saved my life and gave me a second chance. I am so grateful for that second chance. I love my husband more than I could have ever imagined loving a man. I respect him and I place him in highest honor. I need him and God gave me exactly who I needed to help me heal. I pray that we could be the help for a hurting couple that I needed all those years ago, when I was that hurting young girl, all by my self. No one needs to feel alone, like I did. We offer our lives to help others on this journey. We are here if anyone needs someone to help them. My prayer is that marriages are saved and that families remain together. My prayer is that the Christian spouses can gain strength and remain in the marriage, so that their loved ones find Salvation by watching their walk with God. God's desire is that no one perish, but that all find Eternal Salvation.

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