Friday, March 13, 2009

Festivals of the LORD

Okay, I know that I said, I did not like Leviticus, but really I have often looked at chapter 23. In part of my study and trying to learn as much as I can, I watch Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Messianic Rabbi Schneider takes apart the 7 feast and festivals and links them to Jesus. I will do my best to give you what I have been given, by watching his program.

There are 7 feast of the Lord, each point to Jesus and are fulfilled in Him. vs 4, "In addition to the Sabbath, the LORD has established festivals, the holy occasions (convocations; rehearsal or foreshadow) to be observed at the proper time each year." vs 5-6, "First comes the LORD's Passover, which begins at twilight on its appointed day in early spring. Then the day after Passover celebration, the Festival of Unleavened Bread begins." The Lamb for Passover is Jesus. Jesus died on Passover. Everyone in the family took part in the death of the lamb. He died for each person. The lamb that died was for each member of the family. Jesus was buried on Unleavened Bread. Unleavened Bread represents sinless bread. In Jn 6:48, Jesus said, "Yes, I am the bread of life!" These are the first two feasts.

The third feast is the Festival of Firstfruits. vs 11, "On the day after the Sabbath, the priest will lift it up before the LORD so it may be accepted on your behalf." Jesus rose from the dead the day after the Sabbath, on Sunday, day of the Firstfruits. Now His entire harvest (us) is accepted by God. Jesus was lifted up to the LORD. He was the first to come back to life. Daniel 12:2, "Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up..." The priest would take the first portion of the crop harvested and raise it to the LORD. Then the LORD would accept the rest of the harvest. Jesus was the first part of the harvest. He makes us acceptable to the LORD.

vs 16, "Keep counting until the day after the seventh Sabbath, fifty days later, and bring an offering of new grain to the LORD." Fifty days after Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus gave His Holy Spirit. We call this day Pentecost. Acts 2, "On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus' resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting." The people were meeting together because this was the Festival of Harvest. This was the same day that the LORD gave the law at Mount Sinai. They were gathered together for a reason on this day, and it was on this day that the LORD gave His Holy Spirit.

We see that Jesus died on Passover; He was buried on Unleavened Bread; He rose from the dead on Firstfruits and His Holy Spirit was given on The Festival of Harvests. If things continue on the LORD's appointed Festivals then we should know that there are three Festivals that are still to come. These could very well be the days of the LORD's return. But they have not happened yet, and no one can predict the future. Only God knows. The Torah, Old Testament is full of prophetic accounts leading to Christ. He is our Savior. He is the Messiah. He is the Lamb of God. He is our Redeemer. Thank you God, for taking my punishment for me. Thank you...

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