Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cover of Christ's Blood

"Come to Me . . . ." The intellectual, moral, and spiritual depth of our reality as a person is tested and measured by these words. Yet in every detail of our lives where we are found not to be real, we would rather dispute the findings than come to Jesus. (Oswald Chambers) Some people may think it is easy for me to talk all about my past and what I have done. They would be very wrong. Is it easy for you to tell everyone you know every thing bad and horrible that you have ever done? That is my first reaction as well, but that is not what He has called me to be. The truth is, we have all betrayed Jesus at some point in our lives. We all have denied knowing Him, by our actions, by our lives. Matthew 26, "'Teacher, I'm not the one, am I?' And Jesus told him, 'You have said it yourself.'" There is nothing about our sins that we can boast about. Sin is dark and it has a tendency to keep destroying our lives even after we have asked God for forgiveness. If we hold on to this and allow this dark thing to control us, then why did Christ go to the cross for us? Why did He sweat blood in the garden? Why do we say that He is our Savior, if we do not allow Him to free us?

One of the holds that Satan has with our sin, is the secrecy we hold so dear. I am not saying that we need to go around and have a "Jerry Springer" experience every time we come together. I am saying that we need to find the freedom that Christ offers us, through letting go of our secrets. What sin is so bad that Christ's blood cannot cover! If we hold on to our secrets, for fear of others opinions about us, aren't we holding on to fear. Matthew 25, The Parable of the Loaned Money; Wasn't it the fearful servant whom hid his talents. This servant hid what His master had given Him. What has Christ given me that is more valuable than redemption from sin? In that redemption there is nothing more powerful than my sharing of His forgiveness. In that sharing there is true freedom, but that doesn't mean that Satan does not try to get a hold. He tries to come in and devour Christ's healing, every day. But, every day I am armed with the redeeming power of His word.

Jesus said, "And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Truly, what do we have to fear? Even if it is death calling us to fear, what does death hold on our Lord? If someone said to Lazarus, "I will kill you if..." I think Lazarus would have laughed and said, "But He has already conquered death. Death has no sting!" So why are we so fearful? Why do we continually hold on to our secrets, so that Satan keeps his power and control over our lives? One of the scariest things to do is to let go of those secrets we hold so dear, but what a freedom we can find to replace that hold. I think one reason we cherish our secrets so much is because, if we tell others, then we are responsible for changing our lives. He never said, "Confess your sins and continue on in your ways." But, He does say, "Confess and sin no more. Change the way you are living, so that you can find true freedom."

Matthew 28, "Then the angel spoke to the women. 'Don't be afraid!' he said. 'I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn't here! He has been raised from the dead..." Have you found the power of His redeeming love? Have you found the freedom of confession? If you still need a little more help, here it is. Acts 18:9, "Don't be afraid! Speak out! Don't be silent! For I am with you, and no one will harm you because many people here in this city belong to Me."

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