Tuesday, March 11, 2008


When I read this morning, I quickly discovered that I was on my favorite topic, LOVE. (I read from the Life Application Study Bible, New Living Translation. I like this because it flows very nicely and is easy to understand. I am now re-reading the bible, but this time I am going through and reading the parts that I had underlined the first time through. I want to know what impacted me the most and why.) I am currently in John 14-15. Love, how do we know we really love God? By how we act and the fruit that we produce. I once thought that I loved God. I was just going through a difficult time in my life and it would some day be over. Where, on one hand that is true, that life is now over, but I did not love God. I have learned that in order to love God I must obey his commands. "All those who love me will do what I say," It is a promise. If you love me you will obey me. You will have strength, I'll keep you from sin, I'll keep you from falling into temptation. "For apart from me you can do nothing," I have been apart from him, I could do nothing.

Something has happened, I can do anything. I am in him, I read his word daily. It is daily, for when I do not get up with my Lord; my day does not go well. I have to have this drug every day in order to accomplish what he wants for me. I am finally in love with my God. It is truly the best feeling I have ever felt. I wake up with my Lord. I ask him to help me, show my children his love that day, so that I can be a loving mother. I ask him to help me, show my husband how wonderful I think he is. I now know that my actions tell me everything I need to know about my love for my God. AM I loving him and being a branch that produces fruit or am I sucking the life out of the tree, for just me? I can finally say that I am living to be fruitful and a blessing, instead of a dead branch that even I would cut off. I am in love with my Savior.

"Thank you, my Lord, for not giving up on me, for allowing me to live, so that I could discover you. I was raised with you in my home, but not in my heart. Thank you, for finally coming into my heart. I can feel your arms holding me up, I feel your love. I would rather die with you in my heart than live one more day without you. I am so in love with you."

1 comment:

wendy said...

This is very cool Jenny! I love that God gives us the opportunity to express our love through our actions. How great that He shows His love for us through His actions as well! We aren't expected to do anything He hasn't already demonstrated!