Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Husband My Lover

You are my husband, my lover, my friend. I am so thankful for you. Do you know how proud I am of you. I love to tell people that you are my husband. I love that. When you enter the room my whole body lights up. You have fulfilled every desire that I have ever had. I love to be with you. God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave me you. I could not see just how much I needed you. I could not see just how much you would help me to heal. You have fulfilled every dream that I could have ever dreamed. You are the perfect man, my perfect husband, the one that was made just for me. I cannot imagine how my life would be without you. You came to me at just the right time. I am so thankful for you.

I found love in the concordance of my bible. You are in every definition. You are a good lover. I have no fear when you are around. I know that you will protect me. You never think of yourself, you are not selfish. My burden is never too heavy, for you are a strong man ready to carry it for me. Real love takes effort and effort is something that you give every day. God commanded you to love me and he commanded me to respect you. How easy you make my command. My love and respect for you spreads like a fire and I cannot restrain myself. I desire you because of the man that you are. You are not a lazy man. You are not a weak man. You have integrity and a strength that I have never witnessed in anyone else. Love is not just what makes you feel good. Love is enduring and lasts through the hard times. It is easy to love you. Hard times with you are easy. I desire you. I long for you. I wake thinking about you and my days are long when you are not here. You fill that deep desire within me that no other man can fill. You are a strong man. Your stature is large and your demeanor is confident. You have nothing to hide and you always tell the truth.

Thank you for keeping yourself pure. I cannot tell you enough how much this means to me. I am so honored that I am the only one that you have ever been with. I am so unworthy of you. I adore you as a lover that has been given to me by our God. Nothing has ever been so wonderful as our time together. God brought us together and blessed our union. I am so grateful to him for you. Thank you for keeping your eyes and your mind for me. I will give myself to you when ever you desire for I am the one you turn to. I know the importance of this. I know how hard it must be in our world. I am here for you, please keep yourself only turned toward me. How thankful I am that you do not spend your time with other women. How grateful I am that you love only me. My love for you burns and I could never imagine having to share you with anyone else. You are the only one that I desire. I desire you like I have never desired anyone before. Thank you for everything.

Thank you for helping me with the house. Thank you for helping me with dinner. Thank you for being a good father for our boys. Thank you for working so hard during the day, then putting work off at night for your family. Thank you for providing for me the best you can. Thank you for having a good reputation. I love having your name upon me. Thank you for not being lazy. Thank you for staying pure, even now. Thank you for having integrity. Thank you for being so strong. Thank you for loving me as Christ loves his church. Thank you for sacrificing yourself for me every day. Thank you for caring about my feelings. Thank you for holding me when I cry. Thank you for desiring only me. Thank you for doing your job well. Thank you for making love to me every day in the way you live every day. Thank you for making it so easy for me to respect you.

I thank God for you every day. Because of you and your desire to be a good man, my life is easy. I have had such a hard past. Thank you for lifting my burden and making my life so wonderful. I respect every thing about you. I love you like no other. I desire you in my life, in every way possible. Most of all thank you for loving your Lord and for being a Godly man.

Thank you and happy Fathers Day, my lover, my friend.

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