Saturday, June 28, 2008

Enduring Love

All throughout my bible I mark, underline, and write the thoughts that strike me when I read. I write all over the pages, because my Lord speaks to me and I speak back to Him on these pages. I am reminded every time that I read how my Father has saved me and the roads that I have traveled. I never want to forget what he has done for me.

I was reading this morning from Luke 15:11-32, it is the parable Jesus told about the lost son. In my bible, next to this parable I have written; "How did I get here? What did I do? Look back to the time when God pulled you out." I had allowed my life to get so awful that there was no other alternative, but to leave my life with my ex-husband. I needed God to do something drastic in order to save my life and my soul. He did.

Next to the part when the son is remembering how his father's home was, vs. 17-19, I have written; "Home is what brought him back. His father's love is what saved his memory." God took me back to my parents they helped me to get my life back together. I knew that no matter what, no matter how awful I had been my family, my Father, would take me back.

Vs. 22-32, speak of when the father throws his son a party for returning home. His son was dead but now he is back. His father is so thankful that his son is alive. The older brother is bitter because his younger brother gets a party even though he has wasted his life on partying. Next to this, I have written, "The younger son still has no inheritance, he blew it all. He will never get those years back, but how much more he will appreciate his life with his father now."

Just when I was finished reading my youngest son came outside with me. We sat on the front porch and had one of those special young mother, young son moments snuggling under the blanket. I will cherish that memory, for the rest of my life. These years are going to go by fast and every precious moment that passes, is a precious memory that I will store. I am so thankful for my Father's redeeming love. He brought me out of the mud and mire. He placed me in a land flowing with milk and honey. I do not deserve the celebration. He loves me anyway. He rejoiced when He saw me coming home.

The family that God gave me had a very important part in my healing. They helped me to see that I was loved and they helped me to get my life back together. Even more importantly my Father, my Savior, loved me when... Yes, my family helped me, but it was my Father who saved me. His Spirit was always with me, whispering sweet love into my ear, so that I would not forget. He gives everyone, someone to help them. Even if your earthly father is not your helper, God is much more powerful than any earthly father could ever hope to be. My parents helped me pack my things, but God is who directed the road that I traveled. My parents had nothing to do with where I traveled and how I got there. God did all of that. What map has he set in front of you? Are you willing to travel home, even though you do not see the end results? Are you willing to take the steps, even though you are uncertain of the results? His path may be long, but the journey traveled with Him, is so much sweeter than one traveled alone.

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