Thursday, June 19, 2008

Best gift You can give

I have had the privilege of being able to witness many different funerals. I have been to funerals, of both family, friends, and others in which I did not know the deceased personally. In all of these times I have come away with many different emotions.

Two of the most precious times of my life were when we buried my mothers parents. We were all so thankful that they were Christ followers. We had a true celebration in the fact that they were finally home. It is nice to get together and share memories of our loved ones, but to truly have a party in sending them home. That is something special. We buried my grandparents in San Antonio at the Arlington Cemetery. We had the best time, it was a celebration of a life well spent. We rejoiced that they were finally where they had always desired to be. Someone at the hotel where we stayed, asked us why we were there. They just could not believe that we were there to bury our beloved grandparent. We were truly rejoicing.

I have been to the funeral of my dad's parents as well. This was different. They said they believed in Jesus, but nothing in their life showed this. This burial was very different from the rejoicing of my other grandparents. We grasped to the knowledge that our God is a gracious God and he wishes to forgive us. He wants to spend eternity with all of us and he wishes that none be lost. As we left this funeral there was no sign of true rejoicing, because no one knew that they had truly gone to heaven. There was a since of unrest and a meddlesome awkwardness that would not let us be truly joyful. We were not confident of their final destination so we were not at peace. There fruit was not the fruit that Jesus discusses we must have. We enjoyed remembering them, but this was not a joyful funeral, all because of the life they chose to live.

Next is the passing of someone that professed not to believe in Christ. This is the most difficult of passing because of the finality of the whole thing. We know that the person did not believe in Jesus Christ so we know they chose a different eternity, one of everlasting pain.

The most precious gift that we can give our loved ones is the gift of knowing Christ. Death is not the end but the beginning. I am so thankful that two of my grandparents chose to bless us with their passing into Christ's hands. I pray that my other grandparents are there as well. how much better it is to leave those you love with the assurance that you are saved. How hard it is on us when we can only pray they were accepted like the thief on the cross. How horrible it is to know the one who died chose not to believe. If for no other reason, belive in Jesus our Lord, let your loved ones live on in this life, with the comfort of knowing where you have decided to spend your eternity. Give your loved ones the best gift you will ever be able to give them, give them the knowledge you are saved, give them rest.

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