Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Fall

Wow, what a journey! I have been gone for two weeks visiting family and seeing my Dr. in TX. When I say we went to TX, I mean it. We stayed in Midland with my brother. Then we went to Austin with my other brother and to see my Dr. Finally, we landed in Abilene to stay with my parents and my brothers joined us again there. I am exhausted to say the least. All that driving and fellowship with my family, wears me out. But how wonderful it is, how hard it is and how much I have grown from this time. My oldest brother is figuring out who God is. I feel like he is right ahead of me in this. I love to be with him and see his love of his God. It is amazing to be around someone who is overwhelmed with the love of God. I have seen him change and become this big, strong, mighty man in love with Jesus. It is truly awesome! I would like to share one of the things that I have learned. There are so many, but this one is pretty cool.

When God first made Adam and Eve, He had a relationship with them. They would all walk together and fellowship with one another. Then came their sin. The serpent deceived Eve and she ate the fruit that was forbidden, then Eve turned to Adam who was with her and he ate it as well. When God asked them what had happened they replied in two different ways. Adams response was, "it was the woman You gave me who brought me the fruit, and I ate it." Eves response was, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Adam blamed God in his defence, but Eve admitted that she was deceived. So here is the fall, it was Adam who had the responsibility to protect and care for Eve. It was Adam who received the direct command from God and it was Adam who blamed God.

Now the curse is placed upon them. This whole time their relationship with each other was based on their relationship with God. But now sin has entered their lives and so their relationship with God has been broken. Genesis 3:16-19, "He said to the woman, "You will bear children with intense pain and suffering. And though your desire will be for your husband, he will be your master." And to Adam He said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate the fruit I told you not to eat, I have placed a curse on the ground. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. All your life you will sweat to produce food, until your dying day."

I have seen this curse played out many times with married couples. Eve had a relationship with her God. She walked, played and danced with her Lord. Her desire was for God and through God she had a relationship with her husband. But now she was cursed, she no longer had that relationship with her Lord. So instead of turning to God to help her with her problems; she turned to her husband. She looked to her husband to fulfill her relationship that she once had with her Lord. Only no man could ever fill that relationship that she once shared and now she craved. But in her desperate desire to have that feeling back, she turned to Adam and tried to make him give her that relationship.

Adam was cursed as well. Adam had a powerful relationship with his Lord. He turned to God for everything and God helped him in his work. But now because of sin Adam was no longer turning to God for help. He turned to his work. He kept trying to make the work produce for him what God was producing. He had once relied on God to give him all that he needed, but now he was relying on his work to fix all of the problems.

So, in separation from God we find the curse upon marriage. The woman is turning to her husband to fulfill a relationship that was intended for God to fulfill. In return the man is saying to her "I can't do this for you, I cannot give you what you are asking me to give." In response to the woman the man is left feeling inadequate and so he turns to his work. He once was turning to God for all of his needs, but now he is turning to the ground and trying to make it fix all of his problems. In all that we intend; no matter how hard we try; if we are not turning to the Creator, our true Helper, then we will never be fulfilled. God intended for us to come to Him with our needs. He is more than able to help us in our situations. He desires that relationship with us, if we will only turn back to Him.

Woman the curse is that you expect your husband to give you the dance that only God can lead. Man you are expecting your work to satisfy all of your needs that only God can produce. Christ came so that we can once again be in relationship with our Lord as He intended from the beginning. If we will turn to Him to fulfill our needs we will be full and our lives will not be such a mess. He can help us with our relationships. He is the only one who can lead us in this dance. He is the only one that will give us the security that our work cannot give. So, why are we continually turning to the wrong ones to fulfill our needs? Turn to Christ, let Him have a relationship with you; so that you are not left feeling alone. He has bridged the gap that sin has made. He can walk with us and we can hear His voice. We just have to be willing to listen and allow Him to lead, in our dance.

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