Monday, May 17, 2010

Friendship's Wise Counsel

Exodus 18, "When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he asked, 'What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?' Moses replied, 'Because the people come to me... This is not good!' Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 'You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. Now listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you.'"

I am constantly amazed by God. I am constantly amazed by the friends He has given me. The other day, I had a melt down. Most of the time I openly share with Jason, but this time I knew it had to be one of my girlfriends. This time she was not easy to find and my soul was not quiet until I did. I drove to her house. She was not there. I even went by the hospital, just to check. She was not there. I came home. I left. I went to the river and thought maybe some alone time would help. My answer did not come. I needed this one particular friend. I am very blessed for I have many friends to choose from when I need help, but I had this particular one on my heart for this particular time. Finally, I found her four hours after my search and waiting had begun. Then we spent the next four hours sharing our lives.

The heartache in my soul began the night before, at a lock-in we had for the high school girls. During this lock-in, one of the speakers was a man sharing, "the guys perspective on girls". He talked about the pure girl and the, well lets just call her, the pathetic girl. Everything he said about the pathetic girl, I once was and my heart hurt. It hurt from wounds I gave it twenty years ago! This hurting made me doubt my sharing. So after I shared this with my friend, she shared her life with me. It was in her sharing her wounds and her hurts that God began to speak to me. It was in her foolishness that I was able to see His love and her husband's strength was also revealed. It was in her pain that the strength of God and others could truly be seen.

I do not like to know that I was such a fool. I do not like to admit my stupidity to others. For me, there is no glory in me being a simpleton. But, as my friend was sharing her life with me, I could see a strength that many missed when they saw her foolish ways. I can see her husband rise up and become a true husband like Christ. A true example of the Ephesians 5:25 man. I can see through her pain, the glory of Christ, for only He can be given credit for her healing. It is in learning from my friends that I can see the living God. If she had not been so open with me, I would have missed Him! "Is all you know about God a miscellaneous collection of trivia, or do you have a living relationship with Him? Only with a vital relationship can you pass on to others the excitement of allowing God to guide your life." If I did not surround myself with strong believers, I would miss so much about God. It is through people becoming real with their pain, their failures, their walk that His redemption, grace, love can be seen and felt. I do not know how I could live with my pain, my foolishness, if I did not have Him to cover me and turn my stupidity into wisdom. Thank you to my friends for sharing openly all of your life with me. Thank you for allowing your life to give others wisdom. Thank you for your encouragement and for helping me to become better. Thank you for sharing, so that I can become stronger. Thank you Christ, for coving us...

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