Monday, July 7, 2008

Consequences for Everything

A sin, is doing something that you know you should not be doing. That is doing, what ever you know, is not the best for you. My sins are when I do not take my herbs, for I know they help me live a normal life; eating fatty foods, for the MS diet is very low in fat; eating a lot of sugar, white sugar destroys your nervous system. These are all sins, because I know that I should not eat certain foods, or that I should take my herbs, but because of my sinful nature I do what I know I should not do. Then when something bad happens to me, like my MS flaring up, I cry and ask God "why?". It is obvious. If I do not do my part, I get sick. He never said that there would be no consequences for doing wrong.

In John 5:1-15, Jesus heals a paralyzed man. He tell the man, "Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you." Many only talk about the spiritual meaning of this passage. If you do not stop sinning and change your life, you will face eternal consequences. This is true, but something else is true in the physical world, that we conveniently over look. If you do not take care of your body and eat the foods that you are supposed to eat, and stay away from the foods that will damage your body; you will eventually get sick. Why does God all of a sudden have to heal us? When it is our fault to begin with.

There is so much information out there to help us with this. It is even in convenient movies so that we do not have to research very much. Super Size Me, is a very good show that I think everyone should watch. (Caution with its content) It shows what will happen to a very healthy person if they eat fast food. Holly Wood is coming out with all kinds of movies for children to this effect. Over the Hedge, Ratatouille, and Wallie is the latest. We as a people are worshiping our food, rather than taking care of the one body that God gave us.

I do not have to look very far to see, the reason for my latest "spell" with my MS, is my fault. My diet has been poor. God wants us to live as we tell others to live. I am constantly talking to people about their diet, yet I was not living the way that I knew I should. There are consequences for everything that we do. Our diet is no different. If we do not take care of our bodies and put health into them, we will get unhealthy bodies. This is life. Think about the consequences before you partake in what is placed before you.

This is probably the reason that I was having such a hard time asking for prayers. How do you ask for someone else to help you, when you have dug your own pit. I guess I am getting better, because I asked for help within just a few weeks, instead of a few years. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am once again asking God for His forgiveness.

"I am sorry Father, for I have sinned once again. You instructed me long ago on a pathway that would lead to health. I am sorry for not listening to you, again. Please heal me Father, once again from a pit that I have dug. You are the most patient and forgiving Lord. Please be patient with me. My eyes are open and I have seen my sin."

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