Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sugar Sin

John 2:17, "Passion for God's house burns within me," God's house use to be the temple. Now it is you and your body. His passion is for you, you are the temple of the most Holy God. How do we treat his temple? Do we honor His house? Do we respect our bodies so to bring glory to our Father? Do you see yourself as a holy temple? Jesus drove out the money changers and other people that were bringing dishonor to His Father's house. How often do we need to be reminded that our bodies are the temple and that we must treat our bodies with as holy respect and reverence.

I have spent my whole life disrespecting my body in some way, whether it be sex, drugs, drinking, the clothes that I wore, the food that I ate. I had thought, that for some time, I had a grasp on the whole thing and I was respecting His temple the best that I could. It was obviously not good enough. I have been eating more and more sugar. I don't have a whole lot of sugar around the house, so when I would go out and it was there, I would eat it. Sugar is very bad for me. I have an autoimmune disease, sugar is a natural inflammatory. It inflames my already vulnerable nervous system. So this is how I, most recently, disrespected the house of God. I was not taking care of my fragile immune system. I was not eating the most healthy foods, I was eating, for me, a lot of sugar.

People think that I am over the top, and cruel because I do not let my children eat very much sugar. I know what this does to your body. It kills you, one little sweet at a time. It is the biggest sin, that we all have. What are we putting into the temple of our Lord? Are we respecting Him and taking care of our bodies or are we feeding our every desire and eating what ever we want to, at that moment. It is one of the hardest things to change. Our eating is out of control. My eating was out of control.

I have had to change so much of my life. My whole life has been a struggle with something. I had to find out how to respect myself sexually. I had to stop smoking cigarettes. I had to stop doing drugs and relying on alcohol to help me make it through the day. I had to get my anger and attitude under control. I had to change my eating habits. Just when I thought I was doing, really pretty good, God allowed me to be reminded that I was disrespecting His house, I was destroying it one bite at a time. I had put too much of an emphases on the fact that I was not eating a lot of sugar "in my house" so I really was not eating too much, right! I leave my house every day, and there is a bowl of candy on some one's desk... My husband and I have a bad habit of eating ice cream at night, after we put the kids to bed. All of a sudden, I look at my life, once again, and see that I am failing and not doing what God has instructed me to do. I am sinning, because I am eating sugar. Doesn't that sound crazy. Sugar is a sin! It is killing my body, I know it and yet i do it anyway. That is a sin! I am disrespecting the House of God! I have to change one more thing, in my life. I have "fallen off of the wagon," I have to stop eating sugar.

I will be the "mean" mom, because I love my children. I will teach them, while they are young, to respect their bodies. I will share with them how hard it is to stop something. How much better it would have been for me, if I could have learned self control as a child. I will be the "mean" mom because I love my boys so much. I will discipline myself because I love my Lord and want Him to work through me. This means that I must take care of my body, first. Once again, I am in a fight with my flesh. My Lord will win!! He is my strength!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes please no sugar dear! We want you around!