Tuesday, July 15, 2008

High School Year Books

1 Cor. 6:18, "Run away from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body."
Last night the high school year books came out. While the others were enjoying reading them and remembering their younger days, my memories were filled with anguish. My first sexual encounter happened while I was playing at a girlfriend's house. I was in 5th grade and her older brother was in high school. Lets just say he joined in the play. All of my life since that moments has been one sexual experience after another. Instead of protecting my body, I turned it over to who ever was around. I hate this. Life is not supposed to be full of sex, because all that will come from this, is bad memories. I had a good home with good parents who loved me, but my memories are full of regret because I chose to not respect my body.

Young ones please listen to me! No one is trying to keep you from having fun and enjoying being young. What we are trying to do is to help you through this time with as few bad memories as possible. It happens slowly. You do not just jump in bed one night and wake up the next morning in the "double digits." No it happens one relationship after another. Then you are bound to the memories you have placed into your head. No matter how good my life is now, no matter how old I get; the hurt that I have placed upon my life can never be erased.

So many people look at their year books with fond memories. If you defile your bodies now, you will not have this opportunity. Ever! The experiences that you are having now, are memories that will last a life time. One day it will not be "cool." One day it will be a regret that will never be erased, no matter how close to God you become. It is against your own body and your body is the temple of the most Holy Lord.

I do not sit in regret all of the time, but as I turned the pages and remembered my school days, they were not good memories. Our young people do not need to hear that it is a sin. Sin has lost its effect to many who hear of it. It is a sin, a sting, a memory, a consequence that has ever lasting results. Teach your children consequences while they are young, before their consequences are sever. Teach them to respect their bodies. If your young girls are dressed inappropriately, DADS, do not let them leave the house! It is not about style and fitting in. It is about protecting their hearts, their bodies, their memories...For Ever!

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