Saturday, February 6, 2010

Letter to Jason

Every morning I wake and spend time with God, but this week has been different. This week has been all about you, our marriage, what we have conquered together, and where we are going. After such a hard 4 months with my MS, this time to sit back, soaking in your love and kindness has been so good for me. I have truly enjoyed writing down how much I love you, for this contest.

Everything about you breaths integrity, strength, love, faithfulness... Christ. I want to thank you. Thank you for keeping your life pure. I am the only woman you have ever been with. I was Gomer, you are my Hosea. When we were married, a new name is not all that I got from you. Your purity helped me to feel pure. Your integrity brought me to a new level of living. Your strength carried me. Your love changed me. Your faithfulness brought me security. Thank you for showing me what true masculinity really is. Thank you.

Thank you for helping me become the woman I am today. Thank you for letting me be open about my past life. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to make good what Satan intended for evil. I love working with you in helping others see that; if we can make it, they can make it too.

Our boys will grow to be strong men of God, just like you, thank you. Hosea means salvation. You found me, redeemed me, brought me home again to my Lord, fully reconciled. I am strong now, on my own, standing with God, thank you. You have listened to God and done your job well, thank you. You helped change my heart, give me life, save me. Each new day, I love you more... Thank you.

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