Monday, May 19, 2008

Good, Godly, Strong Men

We went this weekend to visit my family in Austin, TX. We were celebrating the birth of my brother's son and my mom's 60th birthday. What an awesome weekend! I have been blessed with a very strong, very loving family. My oldest brother is married and now has four children, ages new to 11 yrs. My second brother is single, living to the best of his ability a single, pure life for Christ. I am the third. I am the only girl and the one my family loved back to Christ.

It was very good being with my family. I wish we lived closer so that I could see them more often. I don't know, maybe this is best so that we appreciate each other more. It is really neat to sit and watch the family dynamics when we get together. My middle brother, we call him Uncle, is the kids play station. My boys love and adore him. Uncle can do no wrong in their eyes. My youngest son is named after him and the new baby bears Uncle's first name. It is really comforting going home, even though we do not all agree with everything, we are very close. I am very blessed to have this family I know, this is rare and most people do not share the closeness that my family possesses. I have to believe that this was God's design for families, a close union, a loving family. Even when I was at my worst my family welcomed me in. They loved me back to Christ, by keeping me close to them.

I want to talk a little about my brother, Uncle. He is now 36, he is a virgin, never drinks, like I said he tries to live a very pure life. My thoughts about my brother have changed greatly over the years. I used to think that he was weak and missing out on life, a prude. I thought that he should go out and experience this life and all that it offers. My opinion has changed and my respect for men like him is abounding. If he does get married he will give his wife something that most men cannot, his very self. She will not ever have to share him with anyone, his mind will be pure. This is awesome, I know... I have this with my husband.

Many women feel like they could never have a godly man. They feel like they are too tainted to ever expect a man that is pure. I know, I was very darkened by this world. To expect a clean, pure man was out of the question, but I got one. My husband was a virgin when we met, he only drank twice, he was not into porn, he was pure. How could someone like me, get a man like that? How could I be content with someone like that? With God all things are possible. With God no one is better than the other and every one deserves the same amount of respect and opportunities. No one should ever feel like they have gone too far and that they should just settle for someone. A godly man will love with the love of Christ and hold nothing against a woman who has a past. We all have a past, a present and a wonderful future, with God in the lead.

I am here to say that there are good, godly men still out there, they do exist. There is no woman that has a past so awful, she cannot be forgiven. This does not mean that you are forgiven by God, but don't expect a good man to come into your life. It is the opposite. Expect the best for yourself, do not settle for less and love yourself enough to allow God the chance to work. There are strong men out there that can handle any woman's past.

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