Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Family get together's are often some of my most frustrating and difficult times.  Quarrels of some kind are almost always a guarantee and there is never a time without tears.  And I will be the first to admit, I have a wonderful family!  So during Thanksgiving break, we make a trip to Texas to join my family for the holiday.  On the way I am consciously making up my mind that this time together is going to be different with them.  (Okay, guys hang in there.)  Well, on the second day, I started my period.  So, right there I decide that "everything that happens is not real.  My hormones are just out of whack and whatever is said that hurts, I just took it wrong."  With that determination I discovered that I HAD A GREAT TIME!  There was never a moment of discord.  A fight did not occur once.  I shed No tears... It was wonderful.

"C.S. Lewis pitched a view of hell as a giant, ever expanding subdivision where - because of continual, petty quarrels- you're ever-increasingly alone," Dave Schmelzer, "Not the Religious Type".

That's it!  I had been the one all of this time choosing to get offended by some little thing.  All of these years I was the one causing the divisions.  They had never been attacking me, I had been choosing my own hell.

I love to listen to audio teachings.  Ray Vanderlaan is someone I turn to often to learn more about the Jewish culture.  In one of his teachings, The Temple at Arad he takes us through some of the Hebrew letters.  Dalet (d), Bet/Vet (b,v), Resh (r); dvr.  In the original Hebrew there were no vowels, you had to supply the correct vowel in the correct place by knowing what the context was.  (I will butcher this if I try and explain what he teaches, just listen to the audio yourself.  It is very good!) Anyway, the letters DVR are the same letters for "the most holy place" of the temple, the sheep fold, and the desert.  Well, DVR perked my attention attention as soon as I heard it related to the temple, especially since this is where I heard God speak to me for the first time in 1 Kings.

Several years ago, I had been reading the bible every morning for an entire year, begging God to become real to me.  I started with Psalms, moved to Proverbs, the New Testament, finally moved to the Old Testament.  Every morning was the same.  I got on my knees, begged God, "Please let me hear you.  Please speak to me."  Every morning was the same.  I read words on a page, closed my bible and left without even a whisper.  Then the dimensions of the temple came in 1 Kings, along with a drawing of the temple in my bible.  I was more than bored with the dimensions and all of the specifics about the it, I was bored until I heard something very loud and clear that is.  "Now you see how I value every aspect of my temple.  You are my temple.  Do you see how you have not taken care of my temple, you!"  The realness of God that I had wanted was here!  Now the temple is a very big deal to me.....

When Ray talked about the dvr writings in Hebrew concerning temple, I got and instant illustration about what we usually think of when we hear DVR.  I don't have to explain... What has been my recording with my family all of these years?  What have I hit auto record on that it is now an obvious miss-recording?  We all do it, whether it is something we take offense to, or some kind of coping skill.  Whatever it is, we go "there". And that thing we automatically do is secretly trying to destroy us.  My auto buttons are slowly getting redirected, but this one with my family has been there lurking under the cover of "it's them, not you."  This time, I used the excuse of hormones, to purposefully change my behavior and now I can see how I had been creating my own "hell".  They all stayed the same.  I changed my response and I had a most amazing time with my family.

What do you have preset in your DVR?  What is your instant response to others?  Do you find yourself in an "ever expanding subdivision where - because of continual, petty quarrels- you're ever-increasingly alone."  Do you separate yourself so that you can hide with some addiction, (quick offense, sneaking a piece of sugar, pornography, ect...) then later wonder why you feel so alone?  Can you notice your misdirected DVR and redirect what your doing?  Everyone can if they are willing to make the hard choice to do the work, no matter how long it takes, then obey the voice when He sees they are ready to hear.  Change your recording so that you can finally live free, in the true joy of others...

Ah.... Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost For His Highest sums it up beautifully for us today :)

An open apology to my family, especially my mom... So sorry for having P.M.S. for ..... well, forever!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Meaning of Masculinity

"Lori's story is heartbreaking. A young woman in her twenties and newly married, she was never the delight of her husband's eyes. Instead, he encouraged her to work as a stripper so that he could watch other men gawk at her. He exchanged the privilege and joy of an intimate meaningful relationship with his wife for a despicable moment of false sensuality. This husband's heart, rather than good, was a staggering evil (see Matthew 12:35)." (Harry Schaumburg, "Undefiled: Redemption From Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships")

Yesterday morning I was up early as usual and doing some reading. I was studying for L!VE, a college ministry I teach at every Tuesday night. My topic was "Meaning of Masculinity". I stumbled upon Harry's book, for he has a great definition of masculinity that I was searching for. However, in my study, I was stopped dead in my tracks. Some years ago Harry called me and asked my permission to use my story in his new book that he was writing at the time. I gave him my permission, but never did build up enough courage to actually buy it. Well, after reading this paragraph, I jumped up and abruptly bought the book. Right in front of me was my story, only my name had once again been changed.

All day yesterday, I pondered Harry's words. All day, I thought about the men that have been in my life. All day, I kept focusing on what "my" young men needed to hear. What is going to build them into masculine men? What am I going to say to them that will build them up and not shoot them down?

"For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. And we are members of his body." (Ephesians 5:25-30)

Ah, my current husband, Jason. He is my perfect example. What is masculinity? It is a man who can walk into a chaotic situation and bring peace. He is a man who can stand still in the middle of a storm, look it in the face and Not back down. He has never had to try and prove to me that he is physically stronger than I, for his demeanor is confidence. He is Christ's representative to me. His strength has redeemed me. I was broken. I am now healed and whole.

As I look at these verses, as I look at my two marriages, I can see the true power of a man. I am their reflections in their mirror. One man was broken and wrecked by life, his reflection was what he did to his wife. The other man had faced many trials, some he had won, some he had lost, but once again the reflection of how he valued himself was seen in his wife. He has brought redemption into my life. He has washed me clean and helped me to feel the pure love of Christ. A masculine man is a man who is calm, confident (outwardly, even if on the inside he is panicking) consistent ... Ah, yes, Consistent! I can trust Jason, for I am never taken by surprise. He is consistent. If he is afraid of something, he tells me. He lets me know exactly where we are financially. He shares with me everything, hiding nothing, but in this I find security, for all of it is known. I know where we are and where we are going. It took both my husbands to teach me to value Jason's strengths, for I know the dark side of the moon. I love to dance in the embrace of my strong man. Even if things look daunting (and they have) I know I can trust him. And this is masculine.

My charge to you men who are married, take a good look at your wife. What do you see? Is she secure or is she broken? Deuteronomy 23:1 Grow some balls and meet your wife in her chaos, bring peace in her storm. For if you do not, "your prayers will be hindered." 1 Peter 3:7 You are called to be your families redeemer. God does not take this lightly and neither should you.

My charge to you younger men, start practicing now how you are wanting to be later. Take your role seriously as the men God made you to be. Stop looking at porn and selling your relationship with your future wife. I truly believe that Viagra's business is booming because of men's addiction to porn. For if you are addicted to this lethal drug of pornography your wife will never be able to satisfy you. Take it from me, my ex-husband could never be satisfied for "meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain, but it comes from being weary of pleasure," (RZ). Face the storms of life now, so that you will be able to bring redemption to her then... for the chances of your wife coming to you in her brokenness is very high in our society. Can you stand the tests of this world now, so that you are ready to one day become your families redeemer?

My husband, Jason, has my complete and total respect. I love him and desire him like none other. I feel pure and clean, washed by his love and redemption. This is the meaning of masculinity...

Friday, November 2, 2012


What sort of things do you remember? Are they the happy times? Do you remember only the hard times that made you cry? If you've been divorced, do you remember only what they did to wrong you? When you remember your childhood, do you remember only the times when you felt alone and crying? So often people will tell you, "Don't think about that. Just forget the past." Many (I) may at times quote a scripture vs to encourage this... Philippians 3:13, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..." We do this, but is this what God is really asking of us? Can we really find healing by forgetting?

In Nehemiah 9, the people were called to remember. They mourned for how they had turned from God. They cried, dressed in sackcloth, called to remember their pain, then things change. The Priests said, “Stand up and praise the Lord your God, for He lives from everlasting to everlasting! ...You (God) saw the misery...You have a glorious reputation that has never been forgotten... in your great mercy you did not abandon them to die in the wilderness... in their time of trouble they cried to you, and you heard them from heaven. In your great mercy, you sent them liberators who rescued them from their enemies." We are called to remember. We are called to remember how He never leaves us... we leave Him. Time and time again the people left and did other things, but each time they called out to Him in distress He gladly came to their rescue.

Our memories are there to help us live better than we did before. So often the problem is that instead of learning from our mistakes, we just keep making the same choices over and over again. I know of people who have been in a bad marriage. They get a divorce and then end up in the exact same situation again, just a different partner. How is this? Same mistake, just has a different name.

When I was taken out of my previous marriage (I wasn't even smart enough to rescue myself, my family had to drag me out). After one month went by, I found myself at brief Intensive counseling Stone Gate (at the time it was located in Colorado.) During my stay there, I saw myself as a victim and blamed everything on my ex-husband. During my time there, I was forced to look at the truth within myself and see that I was not a victim, but had actually been making my own bed. I was forced to focus on me and on God alone. I had nothing else, just the two of us.... alone!

Sometimes our healing comes in the darkest times when we are hurting the most. This is when we are broken enough to accept whatever is coming. If it is death, we say come and get me. If it is pain we turn over and take it. We have no fight left and we give up. With God, there is never an ending, but only a beautiful beginning. With God, He says, "Now that you have finally turned this over to me, Watch! I will Amaze you."

Our memories are a gift. They are given to us so that we can live a better life. They are given to us so that we can make better choices than we did yesterday. They are given to us so that we can enjoy today! We are not called to live in sackcloth mourning our past, but to live in joy!

There is an "old Greek story of Charon who was the boatman who took the dead across the River Styx. He reminded a poor woman that she had the right to drink of the Waters of Lethe that would make her forget everything about the life she was leaving. She was keen to drink, saying, 'I will forget how I have suffered.' Charon told her, 'Remember too that you will forget how you rejoiced.' She said, 'I will forget my failures,' and he said, 'And your victories as well.' She went on, 'I'll forget how I was hated' and he reminded her, 'You'll forget you were loved.' She thought it over and decided she wouldn't drink." (Dragon Slayer, by Jim McGuiggan)

We have not been cursed by this life. Each day is a blessing. Today is our only chance at this day. It is a gift and it is up to us to make this one a good one. I cannot mourn over my yesterday, but I can use it by learning from it and not making the same choice for my today.

2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat prays to God. In his prayer he is reminded that He hears our needs and the He is in control of history... When it says, He is in control of history- it is only in hindsight that we can see He was with us while... If we keep our eyes upon Him while, when we look back we can see Him during. He is in control of history... Remember

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sin's False Love

Buzz words, those words we hear and use everyday. Words that describe where we are in life, where we have been and what we see in others.  Buzz words.  Every year some men come to our college campus holding signs with "Jesus" written on them.  They are proclaiming His love, while shouting out at the students that they are all sinners.  They hit the town, stir up all kinds of animosity and drive away that very day.  Boom, then  gone.
I have been studying a book by Jim McGuiggan, "The Dragon Slayer".  In this book he talks about what sin is.  We all know that God is against sin.  "Whatever else 'sin' is, it is relational infidelity--first and foremost it is against God himself.... Sin is a reality he cannot, will not live at peace with under any circumstances."  We all know He is against sin, but do we know why.  Those men are not telling those students anything new.  They are shouting at them about consequences they do not understand.  If you do not understand the why behind the reaction, if you do not understand the intense love, your mind and heart will have a very hard time accepting the rules.  "But there's anther face of Sin that moves God to deal with it.  He also sees it as a power that destroys his beloved, enslaves his children and cheats them out of the fullness of life he longs to bless them with.  And it deprives him of the joy he finds in their love for him.  God is not only holy, he is a holy lover and that too is what moves him against Sin."

I have been married two times.  I am going to use my life, my two marriages as examples.  These are examples of how we choose to be with God or not.  In these examples I am in no way attacking my ex-husband.  I am in no way saying that my husband now has done no wrong.  We are called to be living examples, this is a living example, only.
Sin was his name... I loved him.  I enjoyed him.  I thought that by marrying him, my problems would be over. I thought Sin would save me from myself.  Los Vegas was our destination.  On our way our friends tried to stop us.  They tried to tell us not to get married like this, but my mind was made up.  I wanted my husband.  We arrived, walked into the Graceland Wedding Chapel, and one of our friends walked me down the isle.  I heard the Chaplin ask, "Who gives this woman away in marriage?"
"I the Dark lord of the universe," was his resounding reply.  And that was it.  I was given away in marriage by the dark lord of the universe in Sin City. I had ultimately made my choice, I married Sin and my soul was sold into a bondage I had never expected.  Sin was so much fun to be married to.  He was adventurous, and wild.  He would make my heart pound with  his untamed spirit, but there was something about Sin that had me so confused.  In one aspect, he would pronounce his undying love for me, but on the other he would beat me down and make me cower beneath his size as he railed against me.  I was in pain and he would pass me the bong, our drug, telling me to take my medicine.  He kept me a prisoner with his continual feeding of what was ultimately killing me.  "Sin becomes part of us; it shapes us, infects us, pollutes us and paralyzes us."

The great confession.  I hit my knees.  My heart, mind, body and spirit had been broken.  What I thought would give me freedom and life was slowly helping me to vanish.  I cried out to God and He in His undying love took me under the shelter of His wings and gave me a new life.  He allowed me to see Him and feel Him by giving me my "savior".  Savior, was his name... The third day after I had met him, I knew he was not for me.  So, in order to run him away, I told him everything bad about me, everything I had ever done.  He didn't run.  His exact words were, "I think I am here to help you heal."  That was it and one year later we were married.  But I was broken, Sin had changed who I was.  Three years after I had committed my life to Savior, I finally told him in all honesty, "I am in love with you."  The healing of a wounded heart had taken place and I was finally falling in love with my life, myself, my husband, my Savior.

This is such a huge part of Christianity that is not thoroughly explained.   It is not just about following rules and living "right", it is all about relationship.  My God is a Holy Lover and He does not want to share me with anyone, especially not Sin.  He knows that Sin is constantly trying to come into our relationship and break it with an affair.  Sin is trying to tear apart what God intended from the beginning.  "It is because he, God, is holy that the only life he can offer is life that has loving holiness at the heart of it.  Those who rejoice in life with him must be holy because he is holy.  He who would love and live with God will have to settle for the only God there is and he is holy!... He makes the move to honor himself but as the scripture insist, he honors himself by redeeming the sinner whom he loves."  I am the bride of Christ and I am so honored that he wants to protect and love me where I am.  He sets himself up against Sin who wants to hurt me.  He does not condemn me.  He loves me and chooses to help me regain who he mean me to be in the first place.  He is my Holy Lover.

Psalm 107, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Live Project

Acts 8:12, "But now the people believed Philip’s message of Good News concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, many men and women were baptized."

This is a very difficult time to be doing anything publicly in the "name of Jesus Christ."  Why?  Why do we somehow seem "ashamed" to say His name?  Why do I hide when others ask me about what I am doing when I am preparing for a big event in "the name of Christ?"  To some I may seem fake, for I am cautious about my God's name.  I am reluctant to apply "Christianity" to the answer of, "What are you involved with?"  Am I a coward?  Am I trying to be deceptive?  Am I ashamed of my God?

I once heard Ravi Zacharias talking about this exact situation.   He said, "When others ask me what I do for a living I try everything in my power to avoid telling them I am a preacher." (This is not verbatim, but this is from memory only, so go with me on this;) "There is nothing that will kill a conversation faster than letting them know that you come in the name of Jesus."

That is it.... I am Not afraid of who my God is.  I am So Proud of who He is.  However, I am very embarrassed about how He has often been portrayed to others and this is why I feel the way I do.  I want them to see how wonderful He is before they make their preconceived judgments based upon how someone else has displayed Him to them. 

Last night my college kids did a Very Big thing.  We went onto our University's campus and brought a glimpse of our God to their peers.  My kids did amazingly.  I am so proud of them!  This was no walk in the park.  It took many hours of hard work to get everything done.  They spent every week through the summer practicing for this event.  Songs were written and time building our team was crucial.  We all were attacked in some form, from within the group itself and from outside.  But, they held strong and in the end pulled it off.  My goal was to bring who we are as a group to the college, so that when they hear we are meeting they will want to come and see what we are really doing.  I want others to see that it is not just a history lesson and being told how bad we all are.  We are a group of people who are learning how to live out this life.  We are learning to live so that we truly live free.  We are developing who we are, trying to live with integrity, working trough our problems, and realizing how truly valuable we are as people.  Gaining strength in who Christ sees in us is everything.  If we think He looks upon us as failures, "sinners", then how does this boost our self worth and build our self respect?

Through the years, I have learned more about the Cross of Christ.  Every bit of what I have been learning not only gives me value, but this discovery of who He is has truly redeemed me from within my own heart.  I no longer have to hide behind a wall built upon false jokes and false security that seems to guard my heart from the hurt within.  I have discovered the freedom of living with Him and my goal is to share that freedom with others, but first I need them to hear.  I need to understand that they too have been hurt.  I need to understand that if I go brazenly into their territory and shout out  His name, His love is not going to be heard.  I need others who are with me in this journey to see my heart.  I need them to give me respect and even if they do not understand my methods I need them to respectfully submit to my authority as the leader.  My goal is my God.  My vision is His Cross.  My ways are patient and they are tender toward those I can see.  For I see a generation who does not know my God.  I see a generation that needs some time.  I see a generation in need.  How am I going to reach them, if they do not stay around long enough to hear?

Last night we did many things that were great.  We also did things that I would change if we ever have the chance to do another college event, but we are "The Live Project" and this is what we are all about.  We are learning as we are going and growing as we are living.  Our message is the Good News about how valuable we really are.  Our message is the Good News on learning to live out this life.  I am So Proud of my kids.  You did it!  The event happened and others came to see what we were all about, and still others came to give each one of you their full support.  Congratulations Team!  Each time we do a new thing we learn more about this life and we gain more strength to endure the hard work in order to accomplish our goals.  What is our goal?

Our first goal should always be our own relationship with our King.  What is He trying to teach me?  What is He saying to my own heart?  The next big goal is learning to represent His love to a people who have never before seen a love like His.  Everywhere we go in this life we are showing people something.  The only thing He really ever asked us to show is His love...

I want to thank everyone!  Thank you for the time you spent away from your families.  Thank you for coming beside these college students, so they can learn the value in their leadership.  Thank you for all of you who provided us with an amazing abundance of food.  Thank you to all of you who helped out during and after the event.  Thank you for coming and showing us how much you love us, just by being with us.  Thank you for those of you who came and saw a Very Small glimpse of our love of our God.  Please come around again, for I want to hear your voice as well.  Thank you... Thank you.... Thank You

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lion's Voice

1 Peter 5:6ff, " So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.  Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith... In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.  All power to him forever! Amen."

I am so proud of my team.  Most all of you are young, (early 20's at best ;).  Look at how you are focused.  Look at the gigantic event you are putting together.  Look at how God brought all of you together at just the right time for this particular part He has designed just for you!  I want to encourage you to keep it up.  Don't give up right here at the end.  If Satan can keep this Kick Off from happening, then he has won by default, before the fight even began.   

Lions.  Your enemy roams around like a roaring lion, but this enemy is like Scar in "The Lion King".  Scar, he had a group of very crocked followers.  Remember, how he used Simba's wants and his uncontrolled imagination to trick him into going to the elephants grave yard.  Then right after Simba was caught in his disobedience to his father, how did Scar trick him? Guilt!  Look at what you did, look at how you failed.... run, run far away.  Everyone knows you, you have no business being up there now do you.  But the focus was never about Scar, he was a lion who tried to get everyone sidetracked.  He tried to come in and by using smoke and mirrors, he had them fooled.  "Look over here.  Focus on this and you can't see that you are starving...."
Aslan, another lion.  When you see and think of Narnia, what do you remember?  "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," the question is raised about whether Aslan is `safe.' The reply is "No, he is not safe, but he is good."  I loved this line.  He is Not safe.  He is good.  There is a certain fear that comes with trusting God.  What if,  all of the what if's come into place.  There is a great amount of the unknown, but aren't you a generation that says they want the challenge!  You do not want to just sit around in front of the computer and watch someone else live.  You want to step out and experience this life for yourself.   Aslan is not safe, but he is good.  Look at the adventure in front of you.  Can you see that it is not safe?  I know you can.  Can you see that it is good... So Good!!!

There are references all over the bible about lions.  It is our choice on which one we listen to.  Scar, he has a mighty roar, but it is one that is trying to trick you and make you weak.  He comes in sly and under the cover of darkness, when he can get you all alone and make you see all of your faults.  Then the focus is changed from the father to yourself.  All that you can hear is your voice and the doubt that travels through your heart.  Aslan, a true lion.  He never comes in to trick or hurt, but he is not safe. We will all have times of fear and times when we feel alone on this journey, but if you keep your eyes upon the target, at just the right time you will know He is walking with you through the forest.  

We follow the Lion of Judah.  Judah and Benjamin were the smallest and seemingly weakest tribes in all of Israel.  But from these seemingly small tribes came a power that changed the world.  Genesis 49:9, "Judah, my son, is a young lion that has finished eating its prey.  Like a lion he crouches and lies down; like a lioness—who dares to rouse him?"  We are from this pride of lions.  We are followers of the true King.  We are small, but our voice will be heard!  

I want to encourage you to keep in the fight and to Not give up.  You may do things that make you feel you shouldn't be up there.  You may feel like your role is not valued enough.   You may have other offers that seem better and entice you to go join their group.  You may feel like this is not for you, but I want to encourage you to continue.  Philippians 3:14, " I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."  Press on through the challenges.  Press on and keep the end in sight.  Press on and lets do this thing!  

"But as soon as we do totally surrender, abandoning ourselves to Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us a taste of His joy. The ultimate goal of self-sacrifice is to lay down our lives for our Friend (see John 15:13-14). When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, our greatest desire is to lay down our lives for Jesus. Yet the thought of self-sacrifice never even crosses our minds, because sacrifice is the Holy Spirit’s ultimate expression of love." (Oswald Chambers) Sacrifice and Friendship

Look around you.  Who is in your pride?  Who is counting on you, in your seemingly small part?  This is your place.  Are you going to keep your focus on God and listen to His voice?  We can all be led astray by listening to "Scar's" whispers.  This is the time to shake off the temptations to give up and press on.  The last few miles are the hardest, but once you press through God will give you a second burst of energy.  You can do this.  I know you can!!  For I did not choose you for this job.  Think about it.... You were chosen by God Himself!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Theme- I love getting themes! Within this last week, this one certain topic has come up multiple times.... I love it ;)
1 Timothy 6:17-19, "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

How many times do we think, "Oh, I am generous.  I help those who need help.  I give them ____ and expect nothing in return."  How often do we think this of ourselves?  If we look at the situation do we see the truth?  Do we really give without expecting anything in return?

Jason and I have very nice things.  We drive nice cars, have nice furniture, have big nice TVs, we live in a very comfortable  home.  Lets just say, we are well taken care of.  We are very grateful to God for all of our "comforts", but we have not always been so grateful to Him.  There was a time when we felt we had earned it.  Jason worked and made money.  It seemed to come easy... not easy in that he did not work hard, but easy in the fact that if we needed it, there it was... easy.  We had big plans. We had our dream house all in the makings.  We had a very nice lot, right on the Gunnison River.  The blueprints were designed and ready for the building of our very nice 4000 sq-ft home.  I was a stay at home mom, planning to home-school my boys and raise White German Shepherds.   We were living the dream... Come to find out, a dream was all we had.  We went to the bank to finalize the deal and start the building of our well built life.  Something happened!  The bank stopped everything.  No rime or reason, just everything was stopped.  Its a very good thing everything was stopped.  The market crashed and our way of living was drastically changed.  We lost our lot.  The blue prints to the house were put somewhere, I haven't even see them sense.  Jason worked harder than ever, making next to nothing. I went to work.  Everything changed!

We had to realize something.  We had to realize that the illusion of success  is only an illusion.  We needed to see that this life is not about what "I" have, but what He provides for me.  But as always, we applied what we had learned to the raising of our boys.  It goes like this: When my oldest son would come to me throwing a fit about his little brother bothering his toys, I would tell him, "Your toys?  Did you buy them?  
He would look at me with a sense of distrust and say, "No".
"Who bought them?" I would ask.
"That's right, so really they are my toys and I am letting you borrow them to play with.  Now, I want you to share with your brother the things that I am letting you play with."
As this interaction would take place his face would soften and he would end up sharing.  Now I am not saying it has always been an easy ride getting my boys to share, but I want them to realize who provides for them.  I want them to understand that they are not "entitled" to anything.   They currently live in my house.  They reside in a room I have set aside for them, but they know it really is not their room, but mine and Jason's.  We allow them to have some part in ownership, but they are very well aware that we have the authority to take back what we have given them at any moment.

This is the lesson God has taught Jason and I over the past few years.  Everything we have is really God's.  Are we being selfish and thinking that the luxuries we have are for our enjoyment only?  Do we share, knowing that something may happen to "our" things?  Do we share with the expectation of some kind of expected preferred result from the borrower?  Or do we share knowing that our things are really His to begin with and we are to bless others the same as we have been blessed by Him? 

We have nice cars.  They have come back to us with dings in the doors.  Yes, this bothers us, but it does not stop us.  God has not called anyone to give out of abundance.  We shouldn't buy a used old beater to loan out to others, (not that this has never been a thought ;), but, He calls us to bless them the same He has blessed us.  

Luke 21:1-4, "As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury.   He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.  'Truly I tell you,' He said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others.  All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.'”  

We still do not have it all right in the loaning and giving of our things, but we are trying our best.  In looking at how I treat others with my stuff, tells me everything I need to know about how I look at God.  Do I really believe that He is the true Provider?  Do I really believe that my things are His?  What are my intentions when I do give?  Do I loan things out expecting to see some kind of result from them?  Or am I giving from a grateful heart toward Him.   No matter what that person's response is... What is mine?

 Oswald Chambers, His Nature And Our Motives

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Great, "What If?"

"Wake", it is 1am.... "Try to sleep.  You must sleep..." 4am, "You cannot get up yet," I tell myself.  4:20, "Not yet, you must rest." 5:15, "Now, now you can  get up."
Coffee is brewed.  Blanket is waiting.  I get my things together and head for the front porch.  "Oh God, quiet my mind.  Still my heart." Psalm 91, is the only thing that I can remember.  "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  This I declare about the Lord: He alone is MY refuge, MY place of safety;  He is MY God, and I trust Him...." I recite this over and over again.  Now I am ready to hear.  I am ready to walk this thing out, not in fear, not in the great "what if?", but in knowing that I know Who My God is and I trust Him!
It is still too dark to open my bible just yet, so I grab my phone.  I go the Ravi app and open yesterday's reading that I never really got a chance to finish. Who am I kidding?  I read the first two lines yesterday and was never  able to read any more.  But today, I read, The Risk of Obedience.

In this walk with God there are no sure things.  He never says, "Here do this and this will happen.  If you will do exactly what I say, then I will bring you great things."  He never says this.  In fact, the only thing He promises is that it is going to be hard, you will find yourself alone many times, But that He Is God and He Is Good. 

My heart has been very heavy over one certain situation that I have been involved with for, man, quite some time.  For over a year, God has been bringing to my attention one certain situation and has been asking me to respond out of obedience.  I have been avoiding it like the plague.  Here recently, He has thrown it in my face and said, "Are you going to obey me or Not?"
"Yes," must be my final reply.  I know I must, but that does not stop my fear from creeping in and overwhelming my heart and interrupting my rest.   The great "What if?"  What if, others see what I do and think that I am being unkind?  What if, I am seen as unloving?  What if, everything backfires and nothing comes out the way that I think it will.  What if.... What if.... What if??!!

"There is a risk to following God, a risk to obedience. But as God declared to Joshua, it was declared again by his Son, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.' The Christian is invited to seize God's promises knowing that she won't know the outcome of her days, but that God himself is more certain than anything else. In risk and in suffering, uncertainty and disappointment we are assured and instructed by the same words given to Joshua. As he weighed the risk involved in seizing God's promise, Joshua was told: 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.' God asks us to boldly follow and then carries us through the risk."

 "This I declare about the Lord: He alone is MY refuge, MY place of safety;  He is MY God, and I trust Him."  It is obvious that I must obey, but my strength to obey does not come from knowing the outcome, but in Me Knowing Who My God Is. 

"Okay, I am ready to hear."
I now open my bible to my marked, next reading.  Luke 17, "One day Jesus said to his disciples, 'There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!  It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin.  So watch yourselves!  'If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance, forgive.  Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.'”

No Way!  I see, I hear, I will obey.  You see my issue is that over a year ago I was asked to confront.  I Hate Having to Confront!!  "I've been there And I have done that," I keep saying to myself.  "Who am I to confront anyone!"  And yet, through the words of a dear friend, "You are the perfect one to be saying anything, simply because you have been there and done that."

It is for others who are following.  Others are watching what is happening on all aspects of the situation.  It is for the others who are being led astray by this person and by me if I do not obey.  This verse is going to turn around on me and I am going to be the one that this is talking about when He says, "but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!"  For I will once again be this person!  I have been the temptress in this passage before.  I was leading others astray by my wild living.  I have written in my bible, "I was a temptress.  Oh God, help me to never be that again!"  But that is exactly what He is saying to me now.  If I do not obey, if I allow this to go on, What if He then says to me, "I called you to confront this situation.  You did not, and because of your disobedience, others were indirectly led astray by watching you Not confront!"

The Great, "What If?"  It does not really matter what happens.  It does not really matter how others respond to the situation.  All that really matters is, Did I obey?  Do I really believe who I say He is?  Do I really trust that He will work this whole thing out?  Am I really willing to risk everything for Him and His children?  I would like to say this whole situation is about this other person and their obedience, but it is not.  This is about me and my relationship with my God.  Am I going to put into practice what I preach?  Am I going to trust and obey, no matter what the outcome?  Do I really believe, "He alone is MY refuge, MY place of safety;  He is MY God, and I trust Him...."  Do I really believe this?  I now know that I do.  I will walk in obedience to Him, knowing that no matter what happens, He is my refuge, my safe place, my God and I Do Trust Him.  Do you?

8am, "Thank you God, I needed to hear this." Lessons From Royalty (pt, 2)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rest in His Shadow

On July 3rd, my mom called me from Florida to tell me about a bell hop she had met.  "Jenny, it was amazing," she said.  "As he was talking I was picking up on scriptures.  His speech was peppered with lines I knew from the bible.  He wasn't quoting scripture to me.  He was living and breathing the word.  So I asked him if he was a christian, and he of coarse with joy in his eyes, he confirmed my suspicion. He told me all about how he came to Christ and how he now lived out his life for his Lord."
While I was listening to her talk, one thing was made very clear about this man's life, he loved his God and he put a lot of value on memorizing the scripture.  One scripture verse was made very clear to me as she talked, Psalms 91.  "This," he told her, "is something that everyone should know by heart."

Well, the conversation ended and I went ahead and looked up Psalm 91.  Really the very first line stuck with me all day.  "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty."  Rest!  That word, that one word is something that I hadn't had in over a month.  REST!  I've been unable to sleep for so long and I really did not know why.  I just couldn't sleep.... Rest....

July 4th, I read Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for His Highest".  One of God's Great "Don'ts"  Worry and Fretting, I didn't think I had been worrying and fretting till I got to the end of that daily reading and saw, “'abide under the shadow of the Almighty' (Psalm 91).  'Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about whatever concerns you. All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without God.'"
So now I knew I had a theme and began watching and waiting for God to show me what was going on.  For a whole week I have been receiving messages from God about how I have been living in doubt and about what I am supposed to do from hear in order to proceed in faith.  July 5th, Don't Plan Without God, July 6th, Visions Become Reality, July 7th, All Efforts of Worth and Excellence are Difficult, July 8th, Will to be Faithful, July 9th, Will You Examine Yourself, July 10th, The Spiritually Lazy Saint, July 11th, The Spiritually Vigorous Saint.  All week!  All week I have been bombarded with Rest in God for He has this thing.  Do your job and stay faithful to Him.

The more I learn about the team I am suddenly immersed in, the more I discover we all have the same dream and vision that we were given long before we were ever even introduced.  Why do I doubt?  Why do I fret?  Why do I still not have the faith I need to have?  I don't feel like I can really "do" anything.  And Yet, here we go.  (July 9th), "We say, 'Oh, if only I really could believe!' The question is, 'Will I believe?' No wonder Jesus Christ placed such emphasis on the sin of unbelief. 'He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief' (Matthew 13:58). If we really believed that God meant what He said, just imagine what we would be like! Do I really dare to let God be to me all that He says He will be?"

I have a job, you have a job, and that job is to do what God has given you to do no matter how we feel about it at that moment.  I don't always feel like I believe, but that does not matter.  My faith is demonstrated through my life and how I live each day.  We are not meant to fret and worry. We are meant to be obedient and walk this life out with Christ, even if the ending may look very different from what we visioned.  One thing is certain, it will.  We cannot see what He sees.  We can only work out our own salvation every day.  Everyday we are to live an obedient life and be Christ to others, no matter our own unbelief.  He is bigger than my unbelief, this I know! 

I am to rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I am called to live my life for Him, no matter how hard it gets. (July 6th), "We always have a vision of something before it actually becomes real to us. When we realize that the vision is real, but is not yet real in us, Satan comes to us with his temptations, and we are inclined to say that there is no point in even trying to continue. Instead of the vision becoming real to us, we have entered into a valley of humiliation... God gives us a vision, and then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of that vision. It is in the valley that so many of us give up and faint. Every God-given vision will become real if we will only have patience."  I cannot give up.  We cannot wonder "what if?"  We are called to press forward toward the vision He is giving us, no matter what our own personal doubt or struggle is.  "God has to take us into the valley and put us through fires and floods to batter us into shape, until we get to the point where He can trust us with the reality of the vision."  Are you in the valley right now?  Can you persevere and make it through to the other side?  Can God trust you with the realities of the vision He has given you?  Sometimes, only time will tell and He is very patent!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Cost of BEING a Disciple

I wish I could be a talmidim.  In the Jewish teaching a talmidim was not only a student, not only a disciple, but someone who would walk so closely with his Rabbi that he would become just like him. The talmidim would do everything and see everything just like the one he followed.  I get so excited about the young men and women who I see that are trying to listen and learn from Christ at their young age.  I feel I have already wasted so much time and that I am so far behind, because I started wanting to follow in the dust of my Rabbi after I turned 30.  These college kids and younger, they are already so far ahead of me.  I am amazed!

In Luke 14:25-35, Jesus talks about the cost of being a talmid, a disciple.  We have been misguided in our learning because we think that everyone who believes in Christ is a disciple, a student, but that is not the case.  Being a disciple is not about salvation.  It is not about remaining a student (although we all will always be students).  If you believe and turn to Christ you can be saved.  A disciple, a talmid, is different.  A disciple is one who has to pay a great price, count the cost, let go of all of their desires, and choose to follow after Christ in order to become like Him.  A disciple is one who wishes to be a teacher like his/her Lord.  A disciple of Christ is one who knows others are watching and learning from them and they have a keen sense of responsibility to make sure they are leading others in the right way.   For we all lead by example.  As we look around us we can see that we have followers too.  Someone is watching us so closely that as we walk the dust from our feet is getting on them.  They are covered in our dust.  The question we must always ask is, Are we covered in Christ's dust so much, that the dust we leave upon others resembles His dust that He has left upon us?  This is the vital question, reality, of knowing who we are and who we are really following.

My mom loves to send me CD's.  She knows that I love to listen to teachers as I drive.  The most recent CD she sent me was from a Jewish teacher.  I'm not sure that I like to listen to him in the car, because I cannot stop and check what he is saying.  He does not know the whole story.  He is not a messianic Jew (A Jew who believes in Christ).  He is a Jewish Rabbi who is still waiting for his Messiah to come.  Many of the things that he says I love, but I am always having to second guess him and see if he is talking out of truth or out of incomplete knowledge.  There are many Christians whom I feel the same way about.  You see, people seem to assume that because you have the name of Christ upon you in your salvation, that you are in a position of being a teacher.  We often watch and listen to others and assume that what they say and what they do lines up with how we should be.  But, what we do not understand is that many times who we are following, their personal life does not line up with what they say and what we should do.  We do not look at carefully what we hear.  We do not go back and reference what they have said with the truth of the whole story.  We just do as they do and seem to follow blindly in their dust.

After Jesus explains the great cost of being his disciple, He says this, “Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again?  Flavorless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand!” How Salt looses its Flavor

Being a disciple costs So much.  Becoming as my Rabbi is the most valuable lesson I can give.  This has changed my life, changed my desires, changed my behavior and changed my heart.  I take seriously what I do.  I know the cost and I have paid the price.  I pay the price everyday, for everyday I take up my cross and follow Him.  I am not saying I a perfect.  Please do not make me have to state my obvious failures again. I am called to be a teacher.  I am called to live out my salvation so that others can be covered in Christ's dust as they walk in my foot prints.  This is a very big deal!  Are we willing to evaluate the cost of being a disciple and change our lives for Him?  "For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?  Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you.  They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!'"  Being a disciple costs much.  Have you begun to build something that you cannot finish?  Then maybe you are not a disciple.  You are probably saved, but you should never claim to be a teacher.  Is your life something that others can follow without having to cross reference?  Do you lead by example or is your life making your words hollow?  These are questions that I have to ask myself everyday.  

 Oswald Chambers, "All Efforts of Worth and Excellence are Difficult"

Not all of us are talmidim of Christ, but all of us are leading someone....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lambs Among Wolves

Luke 10:1-7, "The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places He planned to visit.  These were His instructions to them: 'The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into his fields.  Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.  Don’t take any money with you, nor a traveler’s bag, nor an extra pair of sandals. And don’t stop to greet anyone on the road.  Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’  If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you.  Don’t move around from home to home. Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay."

 Have you ever been in the developing part of something that could potentially be a very big deal?  If you have, did you see and feel the attacks coming?  Satan has one plan, he wants to devour anything and everyone who could potentially lead others toward his enemy, Christ.  As I read these few verses this morning, this is as far as I got.  We have so few workers.  How can Satan win at this game?  Divide and conquer!  As we step out to do our work today, as in any day, he is trying to somehow separate us in order to bring us down. 

Have you ever watched the wolves work in order to capture their food.  They run the herd.  The chase begins and herd panics.  At first the prey sticks close together drawing strength from one another, but then the wolves give a surprise attack.  One of them has come in from a different angle and the herd breaks out into a full run.  The prey has lost focus and does not stand firm where they can use each others strengths to protect themselves against their adversary.  The chase ensues and the pack is spread too thin.  The weak one at the back has met his fate.  He is not strong enough to fight off the wolves alone.  He desperately tries to defend himself, but the pack only looks on from a distance.  Their breathing is rapid and you can see the steam rising as they watch in silence while the weakest one takes the hit.  They watch for a moment, before turning and, seemingly, prance off to another day.  On one hand you can watch this take place and think it is a win for the herd.  The weakest one was taken out.  A win really?  What if at that moment, you were the weakest one.  Would you see it as a win?  

1 Peter 5:8, " Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith."  

In the verses through Luke 10 there are many warnings and different ways to stay strong.  "And don’t stop to greet anyone on the road."  Why would Jesus tell them this?  Doesn't this go against what He usually teaches about courtesy and being kind to others?  Distractions!  Distractions come at us from any angle.  They will come against us and take our attention in a different direction.  The wolf, the lion, can distract me from my job at hand.  I can get wrapped up in what others are doing and then boom, that is all it takes.  My job, the task that was assigned to me, that one part does not get done, then the whole herd suffers.  I can get so wrapped up in another person's job and I start trying to do their job instead of my own.  This is called micromanaging.  I have major issues with this.  I know the part I have to play, but then I know their part as well.  If I stop and visit with them a while, I may find flaws in their approach to things.  "No your not doing that right.... Here do it this way."  Instead of stepping back and allowing them to do their job, I start micromanaging. I get in the way and herd is now separated.  Someone goes down.

"Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’  If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you."  How does this apply?  In this task, I see this one simple verse in a very strong manner.  Whenever you enter someone's home you get a different vantage point on the people who live there.  Many people say all of the right things at all of the right times, but when you live with them you can look at what you hear.  We are not meant to only listen. We are meant to watch.  I am not saying that we are supposed to be watching others to micromanage their lives.  Do your eyes see the things that are meant to be seen, or are you getting side tracked by what you hear? Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:35, both say basically the same thing, "But wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who follow it."  We all look in on others and form our own opinions on what is going on.  But do we really look at carefully what we hear?  Do we see what is really happening? Or do we just see that they are not doing the job the way we think it needs to be done?  Are we micromanaging, instead of just doing the job that we have been given?  Are we in the herd and staying strong together, or are we branching off and running in a panic as we are being attacked?  Who is going to be the prey this time?  

So many questions asked!  Are we able to see the truth in what is happening around us?  When you start to feel the pressure of the enemy it is time to stand strong together.  The attack that can destroy is the one that so easily separates us and leaves you alone as the most vulnerable one.  We are not called to judge, or to micromanage.  We are called to do the job that we have been assigned.  There is not one of us who is safe.  The final project is much bigger.  Satan is coming to steal, kill, and destroy.  He desires for us to be alone.  He will take you out by surprise attack.  I feel it.  I have been attacked in ways that I never saw coming.  How has he attacked you?  Are you feeling separated from the herd?  If you are, you are the target!  He has found your weakness.  Have yo been looking at carefully what you have been hearing?  Am I staying on track or am I getting delayed, just long enough to allow my part in this not to be brought to fruition?  What is my job?

After writing this, I listened to Beth Moore Here and Now- There and Then DVD 3 of 11, July 2
I believe this goes with our visit today.  Hope you have a most wonderful day today.  Take courage, as long as you are in the fight the enemy has not won!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Right Feet

So often I have been having some kind of struggle and asked God to save me from the hurt.  So often I have begged Him to come and rescue me and to change my circumstances.  So often I find myself in want and feeling slighted.  What has happened to the God that so many of us have been taught about?  Or should I change that question to, What has happened to us?  We have taken the bible and read and learned from it through the wrong eyes.  We read it out of context.  We read it through our eyes, living in a country of plenty.  We are a weak people.  We want our quick fixes, our instant food and our immediate pleasures.   So when we ask God for help we are asking Santa Clause, because that is who we know.  What would happen if we started looking at Him through the correct eyes?  How would we see Him if we learned more about the culture and landscape of their time? 

I love to learn.  One of my teachers is Ray Vander Laan In many of his teachings he talks about the arid conditions of the dessert and how tough it is being there.   So for time and space consideration I will only talk about one example.  (This is from Ray's teaching mixed with my own personal story.)  Shall we begin...

In Psalm 18, David is describing his God and his relationship with Him, "It is God who arms me with strength  and keeps my way secure.  He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights." David does not ask for God to change his circumstances, but tells us that God gives him the right kind of feet to so that he can balance.  Have you ever watched mountain goats as they leap from cliff to cliff.  God has not given them an easy path.  He has given them a place to live where most of us would fall to our death, but the mountain goat does not slip away.  He has the right kind of feet.  His feet were made for this environment.  He can run and jump with ease.  This is the kind of deer that David was watching.  He knows his God and he understands that God can provide for us the right kind of feet to travel the path that He has placed us in.  If God allows you to go through it, He will give you  the right kind of feet to help you balance and move freely.

My grandmother was a woman whom God equipped to live in the dessert of life.  She was a simple woman who loved her family and loved to cook.  Her home always smelled of fresh baked cookies and pies.  Before you would open the door the sweet aroma would already be over taking you.  Her kitchen was small and well used.  This is where she would bake for us her love.  This is where you could taste her delight.  She was a woman who had an enticing smile and would serve you her warmest love of her amazing God.  She was a woman who had the right kind of feet to walk the path of pure example for all of us.  She was a woman who knew her Savior and loved her Lord.  Now I say that God gave her the right kind of feet, but there is something very important that you must understand.  She was a woman who endured 44 surgeries! She was a sweet woman who showed God's love to all of those who came into her home and her hospital room.  While she was in her hospital room she would ask for her hair to be fixed and her blush and lipstick to be applied.  (She didn't want to look sick!)  In her home you would walk into her home with the sweet smell of cookies.  In her hospital you would walk into her room with the sweet sound of her gospel music.  

After one of her surgeries the doctors sent her home with her feet wrapped in bandages, with pins that were sticking out 1-2 inches from her toes.  The pins were going all the way through her feet, yet her home still had the smell of those delicious cookies.  I watched her wheel her chair into the kitchen with her feet sticking out, careful to not bump anything in shear fear of the pain that would ensue if she did.  In her pain, in her discomfort she made us those delicious cookies.  I watched her as she placed her heals onto the floor so that she could stand and retrieve that... I watched her smile, sing and cook in the midst of her suffering.  She lived out her love for her God and her family.  She had the joy of the Lord and praised Him even though...

Philippians, the book of joy written by Paul while he was in prison.  He had joy even though.  He knew his calling and rejoiced while he walked with God through his suffering.  "And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News.  For everyone here, including the whole palace guard,  knows that I am in chains because of Christ.  And because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God’s message without fear."

My grandmother was a woman who showed her love for God wherever this life took her.  Others were feed her sweet love for her Lord and they were touched by how she danced through her struggles.  She did not pretend everything was fine.  She hurt and she cried, but she loved her God through it all.  She had a peace with her.  She had the joy of the Lord.  It is not about happiness.  It is not about changing the path, so that we will have a flat easy walk.  It is about giving us the right feet to balance upon the rocks.  It is about our hearts and what we expect.  I pray that God gives me a heart for Him today.  I pray He allows me to walk along the cliffs of my life with the right feet, no matter how they look.  Please God allow me to see that whatever mountain path I find myself in today, help me to have the right feet that will allow others to see you working through the pain.  "Experience the joy of your faith."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Karaoke Star

Last week I had a theme in my home.  Do you ever have themes that seem to keep appearing?  You know, that "something" that keeps coming up no matter where you are or what you are doing, that is a theme.  Our theme was obedience.  You see, Jason kept all of his Lego's and many other toys from when he was a child.  He kept most of them in their original boxes and the building instructions that go with each set.  When we brought them from his parents house we threw away most of the boxes and combined them together as one very large and obtrusive mass of Lego pieces.  He saved them as his gift for his son and he has already given many of them to him.  But here recently our youngest boy wants the pieces that build a city.  Now you must understand that not only did Jason keep all of his original Lego toys, but we have also bought our children new ones.  Lets just say, "We have tens of thousands of Lego's!"  Do you know what a mess this can make in our home?!  Our son wants to build a Lego home and he wants to start with ours!!  Jason already built the boys a Lego table in their room, a special place just for their enjoyment.  However, they cannot play there, it is covered with toys piled upon toys.  Solution, organize the Lego's.

Our youngest is just about to turn 7.  He is the one that is obsessed with the Lego's.  So this is what Jason told him almost a month ago, "Sort your Lego's by color.  Put the white ones in this bucket.  Put the red ones in this bucket.... and so on.  Once you have sorted the Lego's, I will give you the rest of what I have.  If you want all that I have to give you, you must show me that you are responsible enough to have them." 

We worked with our son.  We encouraged him.  We pleaded with him for three weeks to listen to us so that he could receive all that his father had to give him.  For three weeks this went on until that fateful day, Father's Day.  Jason wanted to take the family to see a movie, but the instructions were that in order to receive the prize the Lego clean up had to be completed.  The end result, the child was banished from playing with the Lego's he had already received and he is not going to get what his father had prepared for him.

The week of obedience.  During this week I had one line from a country music song singing within my mind.  I don't even listen to country music any more, but this song would not stop playing!  "She's a big star at Banana Joe's Bar where she sings karaoke every night."  Just this one line playing over and over like a skip on the CD.  Over and over.  I didn't get to the rest, I just landed on the truth of what we all do everyday, all of the time.  Our Father has a gift for us.  He has something that He saved for us before we were even born.  He has a plan for our future, a gift we can delight in.  But, we do not get past the moments of playing with what we see right in front of us.  We do not stay strong and we settle for something that is small.  We can still enjoy our time.  We can sing in a small bar with only a few people looking on, but the ultimate prize we throw away because the work just seems too much.  We want to play now, because the right now is all we can focus on.

We all do this, I do this.  I grab a large helping of sweets.  I know that in order to function tomorrow, in order to enjoy this life tomorrow, I have to be diligent with what I eat, but I don't.  I eat what is placed right in front of me.  I want that desert.  BUT I do not just take a simple bite to enjoy, I go into indulgence mode and fill my plate.  Then after that is over I sneak another bite or two from the refrigerator.  The next day, do I fill satisfied?  Do I fill energetic and ready to play with my kids?  Do I feel ready to get what needs to be done for the days agenda? Noo!  All I want to do is sleep.  Am I willing to give up everything God has planned for me over one simple indulgence?  I must be, I do it all of the time, but I do not want to. I want to get to the end of my time here with endurance.  I want to finish this life out with energy and a fire that cannot be extinguished.  I want to affect many people on this journey.  I want them all to see the life that I have sung.  I do not want to settle for being a karaoke star in some unknown bar.  I want my life to be a song the whole world can sing.  I want to be Christ's big star.  I want all of the plans that God has for my life.  I do not want to settle.  Do you?

Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. "

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eyes Wide Open

 1 Corinthians 4:5, "So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due."

I noticed something this morning. I used to think that this verse was talking about "don't judge people for doing wrong."  I'm not so sure this is the intent of this verse.  I think it may be saying not to see someone and think they are "living right", because it ends by saying that God will praise them.  Not that God will condemn them.  There are some among all of us who are wolves dressed as sheep.   Whom do you hear?  Is what you hear from them the same as what you see?  Is what you see and hear from them the same as what others see and hear from them?  Are you praising a wolf and about to become their prey?  Do you see them with truth?  Do you see yourself with truth?

I often talk to my girls about watching who you are dating.  They need to keep their eyes wide open.  They may come to me and ask me about a certain guy, but I can only tell them what the guy is letting me see.   They are the ones who will be able to see him in his true colors, when no one else is looking.  In my opinion someone may be great.  They may have all of the right words.  They may seem to be doing all of the right things, but it is in those quiet moments after the crowd has gone that our true colors ring loud.

When Jason and I were dating I was watching him like a hawk.  He was in continual observation for anything that may give me a red flag.  (Which made me feel like a complete hypocrite, for look at all I had done, but I had learned the lessons the hard way about Not listening.)  I observed how others treated him and how they talked about him.  I wanted to walk into this relationship with my eyes wide open.  I needed to know that I was seeing him for what he truly was!  In my first marriage, I feel I walked into it with my eyes closed tight.  I fell head over heals in "lust" with him and I could no longer see what I needed to see.  I needed to see the truth for what was to come, but I couldn't.  Everything was blocked.  I didn't listen.  I didn't ask.  I didn't want to know and so when I got to the counter to pay for what I had picked, the price I paid was high.  You see, I judged him before the time was right and I slept with him before my eyes could see.

People my have all of the right words.  They may have all of the right things in their pockets, but it is in those moments when they think, "I'm comfortable," this is when their true colors shine.  If you cannot see them because your eyes have been closed, then that is when you are in danger of falling prey to their deceit. I am not just talking about the dating game, this goes throughout life.  We are being called to walk the walk we preach.  I live in a glass house.  I hold nothing secret. (I really hate saying things like this for I am about to be tested!!)  1 Corinthians does not end in verse 5, it goes much deeper.... " I am not writing these things to shame you, but to warn you as my beloved children.  For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you.  So I urge you to imitate me."  Dang now that one goes deep!  But isn't this supposed to be our goal as leaders.  As leaders our desire should be to tell others to follow us.  Our goal is to be like Christ to others, so they can walk in our footsteps.  

With that in mind, I must take a good look at myself.  Am I practicing what I preach?  Am I walking in such a way that others can follow me without falling prey to deceit?  "Now, a person who is put in charge as a manager must be faithful.  As for me, it matters very little how I might be evaluated by you or by any human authority. I don’t even trust my own judgment on this point.  My conscience is clear, but that doesn’t prove I’m right. It is the Lord himself who will examine me and decide," (4:2-4).  My conscience is clear, but everyone has to walk with their eyes wide open.  No matter who you are following, you must use all of your senses God has given you.  No one is called to follow blindly.  I still use this even in my marriage today.  It has not made me cynical, but it has given me truth and with truth their is true love.

As you walk through this life, who are you following?  Are your eyes wide open?  Are you seeing the truth in their lives?  Are you seeing the truth in your own life?  Who are you?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Walking Through the Fire

1 Corinthians 3:13-17, " But there is going to come a time of testing at the judgement day to see what kind of work each builder has done.  Everyone's work will be put through the fire to see whether or not it keeps its value.  If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward.  But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames.   Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?  God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple."

I have had my mind and heart on my calling this morning.  I have a great sense of responsibility to my family,  but my family does not stop with just my husband and my children. (They are first, but they are not my only family.)   My family is extended to my church family as well.  So who is my church family?  My family is huge!  They are the people that I see on Sunday morning.  I may not even talk to them, but I see them and their presence strengthens me.  My family are my women friends, some of whom do not go to my "church", but they are my church family.  My family are my college kids.  They are my older children whom I love dearly and I am very excited about their lives blooming.  My family is Live @ Webster Hall, where we gather and learn to love.  My family is my church. (I wish our culture called Sunday morning church, Sunday morning synagogue.  Instead of "we are going to church", "we are going to Synagogue."  This would help us when we talk about our family, for our family is our church.  And the church are the people, not the building we meet in.)   

As I read 1 Corinthians 3 this morning, the whole chapter called out to me, but vs. 13-14 really caught my attention.  What if the judgement day is right now?  What if I am in a time of "testing" to see how I respond to my knowledge of my salvation?  What if everyday of my life is my work, and the struggles with the relationships and the things to be done, are the fires I am to persevere through?  What am I doing today as I walk through this judgement day?  It is not about my salvation.  I am saved and nothing can take that from me, but what am I doing with that salvation?  How am I affecting my family?  How am I loving, or disrespecting His temple?  How is He calling me to work today?  

One of my college kids sent me this verse today, Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Where is my heart?  My heart is on God and His calling in my life.  So where is my treasure?  My treasure is in my family.  Our hearts desires show us what is important to us.  My treasure is my reward.  My reward is my huge family.  (A small twist on a very big verse ;)

I have been through some very big trials in my life.  It was during these trials that I found myself all alone.  It was the loneliness of the situation that brought me to defeat within that struggle.  This life is hard.  When you find yourself in the courtroom of life facing a judge who is holding the weight of your world in his hand, it is so much more comforting to know that you have a whole team of people who are on your side and who believe in you.   I always had my parents in life, helping me and going to fight for me, but now there is so much more.  There is something that brings great comfort in knowing others will fight for me too. So often we feel we are all alone, and that is how we become defeated!  This is one of my calls.  This is one of my deepest commitments. My God is calling me to show others, they are not alone.  This fight is not a fight to battle by yourself.  This is why He has given us such a huge family.  We are the church and we stand together as one body.  This is my work.  He is calling me to share my life with others and to be with them while they are experiencing theirs.   

Today in this day, does my husband know he is not in the battle alone?  Do my children know I am always here for them?  Do my sisters know and feel my presence?  Do my college kids know they are not walking alone?  If I am doing this job well, I should see my treasure now.  My treasure that He is blessing me with does not have to wait, I should be rich in relationship.  It does not mean that it is easy.  With relationships there are always fires that need to be kindled, but with relationship there are a bounty of blessings that cannot be revoked.  This is the greatest command, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
How is your love walk today?  What is your job?  How is your work coming along as you build within this house of God?